Saturday, June 28, 2008

Blessed in the Middle of Life's Mess

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a bad situation where most of what was happening was not your fault?

You and I know that most of what happens to us is of our own design. We cannot make a car payment because we spent too much on vacation. We have a disobedient child because we refuse to follow any proper parenting guidelines. We have trouble with our boss at work because we refuse to walk in grace and submission. We have a fight with our spouse (or children) and make a conscious decision to stand on some crazy principle that just makes things worse. I am not talking about those kinds of situations.

I am thinking more about the situation where you are promised a specific thing 5B4from someone for 7-years of service and then when your time is up they trick you into taking something else. Yet, you still want that other item because it is beautiful and you love it. So the owner of that item agrees to give it to you if you work another 7-years.

It would be like being a business partner who is promised a huge bonus and a share in the company after 7-years. When the seven years are over you are tricked and offered a manager's position with an option to work another 7-years for what was already promised after the first 7-years.

We would sue them. We would be furious. We would leave the company. There is no way we could be blessed in this type of situation.

Sheer trickery!

It is the story of Jacob. It is the Jacob who loved Rachel but was tricked, after 7-years, into marrying her sister Leah. It is the Jacob who then agreed to work another 7-years for his father-in-law Laban so that he could marry Rachel (read Genesis 29-30).

And it never says that Jacob was angry. Jacob did not leave the country to go back home and he was abundantly blessed in a bad situation not of his making.

In the middle of these circumstances, however, Jacob was extremely blessed. Jacob was the father of 12-sons and a daughter. He was greatly successful in his business endeavors. In fact, so successful that he became wealthier than Laban for whom he worked.

In the middle of a bad situation God 5B4continues to bless us. It is simply who He is. The painful situation that Jacob was in developed in him strength of character that he did not have before.

Do you remember that Jacob tricked his father Isaac into giving him the family blessing instead of his older brother Esau? Back at home Jacob had a brother who hated him. Esau vowed to revenge Jacob's deceitful act but during Jacob's time in the desert God softened the heart of Esau so that when they were reunited there was peace instead of war.

God does not need the palace to prosper us. God does not need us to be in a good situation to bless us. God is not dependent upon the perfect set of circumstances to work His will in our lives.

Joseph was blessed and rose to the top of the empire while still an Egyptian captive never to be free again. Daniel was in the same situationa foreigner who depended upon God and found great favor in the eyes of his captors which led to incredible access to kings and personal success.

Jesus, the Savior of our souls, was born into a people ruled by Romans and into an area occupied by an enemy army. Even in the midst of uncontrollable circumstances God can use us, bless us, and give us a life of peace.

You can bet on it.

Mark Twain

Fantastic Life

Our good buddy, lazy Yogi Ponchie, had just read a great blog on meditation, where the author had revealed the secrets of how to live a happy, meaningful and good life. This blog highly inspired Yogi Ponchie and he immediately went about implementing the recommendations, in his own special way of course.

The article, he read, explained that the secret to a happy and fulfilling life was to live life one day at a time. Not only that, the author had provided his thoughts on what 5 activities one should include in one's life on a daily basis in order to accomplish this. Here was how Ponchie spent his day, which he felt met the requirements laid out in the post.

5:00 am: Ponchie checked the time and smiled 5:00am Woo Hoo! The recommendation was to wake up early, but since waking up early was impossible for our lazy yoga friend, he had decided instead to stay up all night. Thus, he would be awake during the early morning hours and be able to take advantage of this most spiritual time of day.

6:00 am: Ponchie headed to the Gym to get his daily recommended sweat. He spent the next hour in the sauna.

7:00 am: Ponchie listened to a meditation tape in his car on the way back home from the gym, thus meeting the most important criteria for doing his daily meditation practice.

8:00 am: Ponchie watched Sunrise Earth on Discovery by sitting very close to the television... spending time with nature... done.

9:00 am: Ponchie called his dad and asked him to pay his credit card bills and help fix the leaky faucet in the kitchen. He told his dad that this had to be done today itself, since he was eager to meet the requirement of "completing your daily affairs" as had been suggested, that was easy.

Let's summarize this article that has so profoundly inspired Mr. Ponchie.

Essentially, the secret to a Happy, Meaningful and Good Life, the article said, was to live one day a time. This did not mean not to plan, it meant not to obsess with the outcome. Put money away in the retirement fund, enroll in an MBA program, start a daily fitness routine, launch a new blog, sure do all these things, but don't focus on the results. Instead, just go about the business of life by living each day as well as you can. In addition, the article continued, try to incorporate the following 5 activities into each day, as they would go a long way in expanding your spiritual and personal growth and ensuring that you really maximize your human potential. Here are the 5 daily suggestions that were made.

1. Wake up Early: This gets the day off to a great start. The early morning hours are full of spiritual energy and prana (life force) and are an ideal time for your daily sadhana (meditation, yoga or other spiritual practice).

2. Sweat Everyday: If possible try to break a sweat everyday, and a sauna does not count. This means to get some form of exercise and keep the body in tip top shape. The body is not you, but is the vehicle through which you live and worship, so treat it like a temple and take care of it.

3. Daily Meditation: This is the most important criteria. If you have come to the Mastery of Meditation website, something is stirring within. This invitation by the Divine should not be taken lightly. Not all receive the invite, or at least not all are aware of the beckoning, so if you are being roused from the dream by the gentle hand of your Divine Nature do everything you can Wake Up!

4. Spend Time is Nature: The spiritual path can be described in 1 word -- CONNECT. That one word describes all the Vedas, Gita, Upanishads, Bible, Koran, Tantras, etc. One of the best ways to connect is to be with Nature intimately. Hopefully the author will write an article on this topic of Connection as well as is it a very interesting and powerful concept :-).

5. Complete Your Daily Affairs: Don't procrastinate, don't delay, don't put off what needs to done. The old proverbs are very wise. "A stitch in time saves nine" and "Don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today". Life, the moment, provides challenges to you and when you meet them, life opens up. If they linger, they are like blockages, they prevent your life from moving forward. Your inner voice will constantly remind you what needs to be completed. Heed this suggestion and you will be surprised at the rewards.

Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. His extensive site, Free Guided Chakra Meditation & Kundalini Yoga Poses, offers Free Kundalini Yoga Pranayamas & Sets. Also find lively spiritual discussions on the Free Guided Chakra Meditation Practice, Kundalini Yoga Pranayamas & Zen Meditation Blog.

This article is available for reprint on your website and/or newsletter, provided it is not changed and you include the author's signature.

Wayne Dyer Meditation

Friday, June 27, 2008

Reach The Success You Truly Desire

Ever have those days where no matter what you try life seems to be a series of one step forward and two steps back?

Well today is the very best day to take charge of your life and develop strategies to achieve personal success. You will need to work hard and make a commitment to your personal success plan, but once you break the inertia you will find that small achievements will help you gain momentum, and each step forward will attract more success.

1. Take a look at the one and only person responsible for your success- YOU. To be successful you must take complete responsibility for your actions. You can't pin your success or your shortcomings on anyone else.

2. Develop and nurture a successful self- Start by smiling more, look to the positive side in everything. Don't list all the reasons why something is hard and you can't do it, find the reasons even if it is only one to start with of why you can do something. You must develop a successful persona to become a successful person.

3. Make the decision today- Decide today that you will be successful. Praise yourself for past accomplishments, take stock of your strong qualities and work to nurture and improve those that are underdeveloped. You have a purpose and a mission you must sweep aside the negative clutter and defi5B4ne this purpose and begin today to fulfill yourself.

4. Always begin with the positive- every morning you wake up, every time you speak with other people. Always stick with the positive. Associate with positive people. People who have also made the commitment to success. Avoid negative people at all costs. They will not only drag you down. Their negative actions and thoughts, their pessimism, whining, and complaining is a toxin and you need to steer clear of it.

5. Visualize and write down how you desire to live successfully- think of the things that are meaningful to you. Things that give you pleasure, comfort, and fulfillment. Then being as specific as possible write down how you want to live. Don't listen to any of the negative, just concentrate. Write down every detail, where you live, what your house is like down to the decor. What you and your friends are passionate about, what kinds of community projects do you donate your time and money to. After writing everything down copy the most vivid and important things into a new journal. One you have chosen just for this. Make the journal come to life with drawings, photographs, magazine clippings, articles, and poetry. Images and words that will help your vision of a successful life crystallize in your mind. Look through this journal several times a week. Every day visualizing living that life. Make all of your actions in accordance with that successful life.

6. Defin4Fe what success means to you- Concentrate on what you are best at and what bring588s you satisfaction and fulfillment. Using your vision of how you want to live, write down and then read out loud what success means to you. Otherwise you won t know when you have achieved it.

7. Study and make the commitment- Read books and magazines about people who are successful in your eyes, and ways to become more successful. Develop a daily methodical systematic approach to reaching your goals and take one step towards your success.

Keep your mind in the moment don't let it wonder to negative discourse. Focus your attention on your vision of success. With a resolute attitude you are well on your way.

About The Author

BZ Riger-Hull. For valuable free articles, assessments, & practical success tools Certified as a Success Coach, Four Agreements Facilitator, & Tele-Course leader We help you communicate powerfully, reduce stress, Strategically Attract success, & increase your financial well-being.

Jerry And Esther Hicks

12 Thoughts for a Happy New Year

Live each day so that you will neither be afraid of tomorrow nor ashamed of yesterday. - Author Unknown




1. To face the coming years problems use HOPE, faith, and your trust in God and His wisdom to guide you to the future thats right for you. You can create your own future by focusing your thoughts on what you wish to accomplish. Know that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life both good and bad.

2. Make it your ASPIRATION to achieve something worthwhile. Learn a new skill, or seek greater knowledge in areas you dont now have. Seek and master new ways to do something thats already been done -and- do it better! U10E9se the power of purpose by giving whatever it is you desire the highest amount of your attention. This determines how successful you will become.

3. Make a concentrated effort to improve, grow, and PROSPER. Increase your financial security. Dare to be happy. Exercise and stay in good health. Keep a positive attitude. Do whatever it takes to improve your personal and business image. And know that your relationship with giving is the spiritual source of your true prosperity.

4. Treat your life, family, friends, and others you meet as a PRECIOUS gift to be enjoyed, and of great value. Regard them with a love that is special and - it will all come back to you. Send forth good and it multiples. Honor every one you come in contact with today, tomorrow, and make it an ongoing behavior. This too, is paid back to you by the Universe.

5. To YEARN is to express compassion. In this coming new year, experience it and show compassion for those less fortunate then you are. Offer ways to help others whenever and wherever you can. Give only good. The more you give of yourself, the more comes back to you. It may help make this a better world.

6. Learn to NETWORK and link to other like-minded individuals; whether its in an educational, business, or social setting the benefits can add to your growth and success. Celebrate and share your abilities so that you can attract more of the same.

7. Be EAGER to learn new things. Opportunities are all around you. Having an intense passion or desire to find new opportunities is the sign of an enthusiastic person. This desire comes from God. In order for you to find new opportunities, always move toward your goal with a spiritual awareness.

8. WISDOM - the ability to make well thought out decisions comes from maturity and understanding. In any given situation, it is wise not to judge until all facts are understood. Be open to understanding anothers point of view. Do you look at the world with a positive or a negative vision?

9. YESTERDAY is a day that has just passed. Now you are free to live in the present. Use each new day wisely and full of gratitude for every hour, every minute, and every second. Set goals for each day and take specific actions that will help you accomplish them.

10. ELOQUENT. Are you confident, persuasive and effective in the way you communicate? When speaking with others how would you rate yourself? Are you always voicing negative opinions? Or, are you positive in expressing your thoughts?

11. ADVERTISE. For those in business, always make the positive features and benefits of your product or service known. Appeal to the emotions of your prospective client. Give quality service and products so that your self-esteem is strengthened and your reputation is valued.

12. - In the coming new year, heres hoping that you will REWARD yourself for any successful personal and business achievements. Improve your skills where and when needed. Change any negative habits, and always follow His guidance in all things you attempt to do.

May this New Year bring you many blessings of good health, dreams to come true, prayers to be answered, and gratitude for all. Remember: Life is a series of new beginnings and in every ordinary moment there are a thousand miracles to behold. -Flavia Weedn

Copyright 2006

About the Author

Gerri D Smith publishes and hosts an inspirational newsletter for women business owners, individuals eager to improve, and entrepreneurs willing to learn more . And its Free! Subscribers to her newsletter receive many of her well-written articles, special reports, books, offers, and resources that are filled with motivational support, business and personal image improvement, and supportive ideas to help you reach your goals. To sign up, go now to:


Success Secrets of the Greatness Grower

"The power inside of you would stagger you if you really knew what it could accomplish. It is a power that conquers, empowers, and Grows Greatness. But most of us have been conquered by Greatness thieves that have robbed us blind. "


That is how most people are about their Power to Succeed that lies dormant within them. They have no idea of the Success Greatness that lies deep within just waiting for a chance to explode into the world and make a so so life into a life made only of dreams.

You have a great Power within that can help create any life you want, have anything you want, and do anything that you desire. This Power is one that has been waiting, watching, and willing to take on the Success Journey in a way that would leave you breathless and in awe.

YOU are that powerful on the inside.

Yes, that Success Power and Force is within you, and waiting to come out and change your whole world! Success is basically the releasing of that Inner Will and Power in your 5B4life, and then operating your life in such a capacity that Success can ONLY be the result!

DARE to step beyond the limits today and live "Life Beyond the Barriers.(tm)"

But people will tell you that this Success Power is for others and not for you, as you came from the wrong family or side of town. They will tell you that Success has never been a part of who you are. Don't buy into the lie.

Success is already inside of you.

YOU must release it, and never look back, as that is where you came from, not where you are going. It is where you used to be, not where you are now. It is WHO you used to be, but not who you are now.

Today, something has shifted inside of you.

You are a POWERFUL being that God has made for massive Success and Achievement, and today you make that decision to release it and never look back at what USED TO BE.

Success is about what is GOING TO BE! And you are going to be a HUGE Success today and not be clueless like so many others.

Let others walks among the clueless crowd and be blind to what the Truth is about their Success.

But not you.

There are so many people in the world that simply are deceived into believeing that what they have and are doing is all their is to life.

They are clueless to the Greatness that lies within them.

I should know....

Mine laid dormant for years. It laid there like a rock that I carried around with me. It heard5B3 all the excuses and the pathetic reasons I was not a Success. It put up with my lack of great effort, as I replaced it with weak effort that was "just enough" to get by.

Am I proud of that fact?

Nope...hardly. I shake my head at it, and that is the reason for this lesson- Release the Greatness and Giftings that you have been blessed with!

I had the Shift- and so have you today! The Inner Shift of Greatness that shifts your life into Success overdrive!

Let me ask you the questions that I had to ask myself:

Are you proud of the fact that you probably have truly never tapped into the Greatness and Gifting of Success within you?

Are you proud of the fact that you could be doing do much better in life? We ALL could!

Here is a Million Dollar Question...

Are you more proud of your Mediocrity than your talent and Power God gave you to Massively Succeed?

YOU are a WINNER and Blessing to people!

YOU are a Gifted Talent that attracts Success to you like a magnet on Steroids!

YOU are the Enlarger and YOU will enlarge you and others today by encouraging them and taking them to a higher realm of thinking, belief, dreaming, actions, and life and total faith in what they can do with it by simply releasing it, and GROWING IT.

Truly, YOU are a Greatness Grower, and Success Shifter today...

And today...YOU start with YOU!

(c) 2006/ all rights reserved

Doug Firebaugh is one of the top Success Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at:

Gautama Buddha

Bob Doyle Used The Secret To Manifest All He Ever Wanted

The first thing you should probably know about Bob Doyle is that he found the secret after he realized in January of 2002 that he could no longer continue to work his corporate job any long and just up and quit with out having any back up plan or a secondary job lined up! Let me stress that he had no safety net what so ever and he had 3 children at home who relied on him for their safety and well-being! Since personal development was always of great interest to him, he set out On the road to share with others what he had learned in his own life About creating your own reality while meditating on a regular basis for the prosperity he was so desperately seeking in his own life during his time off. It was during that period that he came across a critical truth about The Law of Attraction. He had become so focused on his idea of how to attract the wealth he was himself seeking he failed to realize that he had gotten in his own way.

He began to grasp the fact that while he was working so hard to figure everything out on his own he was actually failing himself by not letting go and letting the universe find the answer for him instead. He finally understood how he was actually blocking the way to his own success, and that he needed to let some things work themselves out without his own coercion delegating the How and the When. Once he realized this subtle yet vital truth, he decided 5B4to ask the universe to guide and direct him by learning to fallow his own intuition without question. Then, through what at first appeared to be a series of events each unrelated to the next the answers began to emerge and he found himself not just On the road again but On the right road instead!

Thats when things really began to take off. It was at that time that he began to truly understand The Law of Attraction and Wealth Consciousness. As he began to live the principles of these two concepts 24/7 he once again found his sense of purpose and passion. Further still he committed himself to remaining on course and his first year of doing so he earned a whopping six-figure income! He is still so fixed on helping others help themselves that he has developed an on line program entitled Wealth Beyond Reason and he openly shares his insights with those seeking greater fulfillment in their lives. I strongly suggest it to those open to this new way of looking at what life itself has to offer when we believe we can achieve!

Bobs no nonsense approach to things is a refreshing change from the typical hoopla and hype often seen on the Internet. If down to earth, simple, practical and basic is your preferred speed, then he is probably your guy. You might also enjoy looking on line for related material about Bob on google. I found lots of sites full of information on Mr. Doyle and the way his website at Wealth 7D1Beyond Reason. com is set up all the information you may be seeking is easy to navigate as well. However if the Internet is not your thing you can head on over to Amazon and pick up his booked also entitled Wealth Beyond Reason!

Karen Giardunio is a single mother who resides in the mountains just north or Boulder Colorado. Through the power of the sweeping concept of "The Law Of Attraction!" she was able to personally connect herself with two of the leading experts in the field of Internet Marketing and Personal Development. It is through these great mentors that she has begun to change her life and obtain an unlimited wealth of knowledge and understanding of the need to share and serve others in order to obtain her own hearts desires. So, she now offers frustrated Network Marketers that are looking for more ways to make money while learning how to win at the recruiting game to accomplish those goals. You can just go to to find your way to the simple step-by-step applications that anyone can master that will show you how you can take control of your own life by creating a potential 6 figure income helping others succeed. The two mentors mentioned above will be working for you! They will share their money making system and guide you every step of the way.

Jesus In The Temple

Building Vocabulary Through Activities

Studies show that people learn words best by engaging as many of the five senses as possible. Associating a new word with a smell, touch, taste, or sound helps us recall the word for later use. So in addition to reading on a daily basis and listening to speakers who use a different vocabulary than you do, you can add words to your working vocabulary list by exploring new activities.

The following suggested activities will boost your vocabulary by engaging more of your senses and putting you into word-rich environments.

1. Take a class, any class. Learn a new skill. The skill could be knitting or sport fishing, cooking or carpentry, dancing or playing an instrument. Choose something you are interested in and which requires you to use your hands. Each craft or skill will have its own vocabulary. There will be words to describe the equipment, the processes, and the materials. Since you will be doing something with your hands (and maybe more parts of your body as in dancing), you will trigger more activity in your brain than if you just read the words on a page. The increased activity will create more connections in your brain. Not only will you see the word, you will have an experience to tie to it. You will have paired the word with a motor memory (a physical process you have learned to do like knitting) and sensory memories about the material and tools you work with (like the feel of the knitting needles and yarn in your hands). The greater number of connections your brain is able to make with the word, the more likely it is that the word will become part of your working vocabulary.

2. Visit a museum. Childrens museums are a great choice because they often feature interactive displays. Another good option is a living museum where you can talk with a docent who can answer your questions about the exhibits. Many living museums (Colonial Williamsburg would be one example) have programs where you get to participate. Youll learn the words associated with the focus of the museum. Your brain will link the experience of the museum, the items you touched, the activities you participated in, and everything else your senses will record about the trip.

3. Go to the zoo. Youll find interesting animals with exotic names which originate from many different languages depending on where the animal normally lives. English is a living language which adopts foreign words to name things. The word yak, for instance, is from the Tibetan word gyak. You will also learn about each animals food and habitat requirements. Many zoos now present shows where a trainer works with an animal and explains about that animals particular needs and capabilities. Who can resist a cuddly koala supping on eucalyptus leaves? Once again, your mind will be absorbing the new words along with plenty of additional sensory information to link to the word memory.

4. Garden. The lexicon of gardening is rich with Latin-based words describing plants their names, the parts of the plant, and their life cycles. Latin provides the roots to many English words in the areas of law, science, and religion. The word vegetable for example originated in the Latin word vegetare meaning to enliven, bring to life, or quicken. The word flower came from the Latin word flos or floris meaning surprise! a flower. Understanding the Latin portions (prefixes, suffixes, and roots) of words can help you deduce the meaning of other words that are new to you. In addition to adding lovely flowers to your hall table or fresh vegetables to your kitchen table, gardening will add valuable words to your vocabulary.

Learning new words can be easier, more enjoyable, and result in better retention if you can use multiple senses in the word-learning process. So add a new activity to your life and youll soon master a whole new group of words!

Celia Webb is an author, illustrator, and company executive. She and her husband, Mack H. Webb, Jr., founded Pilinut Press, Inc., publishing advanced readers for children and ESL students. Their website offers more free articles on developing reading-related skills, word games and puzzles, and activity sheets for their entertaining and educational books.

Law Of Attraction Is Magick

Four Secrets To Overcome Resistance To Change

In life one thing is constant... change is going to happen! Everyone desire change and change is inevitable, so why is it difficult for so many people? The process of change in our lives can lead us toward growth and fulfillment if we learn how to cooperate with this unyielding force. When we partner with this force of evolution we can take a quantum leap in our lives. In this article you'll discover why you resist change and the four secrets to move beyond your resistance to create positive change in your life.

When we reach for change, a part of us naturally recoils and resists. If the recoiling is stronger than our reach, we experience stagnation. If we resist change too much we'll experience struggle, frustration and procrastination. During major crossroads in our lives, such as mid life crisis it is wise to surrender to change rather than resist it. If we accept that change is inevitable we can build an alliance and experience greater freedom and success.

The 1st Secret: Seek growth rather than change. Growth is the process of reaching fo1A34r something new while releasing the old. Growth always leads to positive change in our lives. Whether that is a new relationship, a new belief or a new experience, growth leads to genuine change as it shifts from the old to embrace the new. Growth is the foundation for evolution and challenges you to become more in some area of your life. Growth always produces change; but change does not always produce growth. Growth is about evolving and becoming more of who you are meant to be.

Tip: Are the changes you desire about becoming more? Look at the changes you want to make, to determine if they are a growth choice (becoming more) or a fear choice (becoming less).

The 2nd Secret: Genuine Change involves your emotions. Some people only seek physical changes. They want to change the physical forms in their life without changing the feelings. Erroneously they think this new form will make them feel a particular way. When change is only about changing the physical (new haircut, wardrobe, mate, house, etc.) personal growth is limited and change becomes temporary. However, when you change on the emotional level then growth is produced and the physical forms will begin to change automatically and without struggle.

The foundation for permanent change begins within our emotional nature. Our emotions provide motivation, they need to change before genuine change can occur. Our ego is concerned with changing on the outside and our soul wants to change and heal the feelings on the inside. When you begin inside out, change becomes more effortless.

Here is an example; A client of mine was "stuck" in a relationship. The feeling of being powerless was a pattern that haunted him for years. He attempted to fix this problem by changing the person he was dating every six months. He never changed the feelings that attracted those relationships in the first place. Once he understood that the feelings needed to change, he quickly attracted a new relationship with someone who reflected his feelings of being powerful.

The 3rd Secret of change: All Change Produces Chaos! This is the most powerful of all the secrets combined. Chaos and change always function together. It isn't change that you resist, it's your egos attempt to avoid chaos that creates resistance. When change happens its always accompanied by chaos. Chaos can be either light or dark and is a vital energy to the process of every change.

Everyone yearns for change and recoils from its chaos simultaneously. We have been taught to believe that chaos is bad and to be avoided, yet even the most incredible changes we desire: i.e., Getting a job promotion or starting a new romance will also produce chaos! The tug-of-war between our ego and our soul creates our resistance to change. Life is not to be controlled, especially by our ego, it is to be mastered by our soul. We can influence the direction of change when we let go of control, embrace chaos and learn to dance with the unpredictability of change.

The chaos of change is energy moving from one form to another. How you relate to chaos influences the outcome of change, positive or negatively. For instance, when you mix fear with chaos, change becomes negative, producing anxiety and frustration. On the other hand, when you mix hope and trust into chaos then the energy can lift to excitement and joy. Anxiety, frustration, excitement and joy are all chaotic emotions and influence the change you want to make.

Chaos is neutral and is a part of every change. This truth can help you relax and stop worrying that you might be doing something wrong. It's natural to feel chaotic when you experience change in your life. If you don't feel chaos then you aren't really changing. Big changes produce lots of chaos, small changes produces a little. So let chaos be a part of your process of change. Trust yourself know that it won't last forever and is living proof you are in the midst of changing.

The 4th Secret: Focus on the positive outcome by visualizing your future self. How often do you think about what you don't want to happen versus what you do want? This only attracts more of what you don't want. To make changes while in the throws of chaos focus on the future of how you'd like the changes to occur in your life.

The best way to accomplish this is to learn to focus your mind with guided meditation. In a state of meditation you can visualize your future self. Find a relaxed position, close your eyes and take in several deep breaths to help relax your body and focus your mind. Begin to imagine yourself in the future with the changes you desire in your life. Think about how you would feel once you've created the positive changes in your life. Your subconscious mind can begin to help you create the changes you desire. To try guided meditation, visit my website at:

Don't wait to see what the future holds rather create what you want the future to be in your mind. The more emotions you add to your vision of change, the quicker those changes will manifest. Repeat this on a regular basis at least once a week. You will begin changing the course of your future by using the power of your imagination. As you implement these four secrets, you will end your resistance and harness the power of change to become the master of your life.

Michaiel Patrick Bovenes is an author, professional speaker and self empowerment teacher. He is the author of a popular series of guided visualization meditations called, "Soul-utions". To explore his meditations or receive free ebook on Developing Personal Peace visit his website at: Michaiel currently resides in San Francisco, CA and teaches throughout the USA and Canada.


Simple Easy Secret Life Skills

In order to gain control over a disordered, dysfunctional, out of control mind it is necessary to recognize and admit to yourself what state of mind you are living in. How negative are you?

The mind is in constant motion. It is the great trickster and it contains much useless thought. We are not living and experiencing life as it is meant to be. We are living in a false reality that we have created by the level of our thoughts. If you are only stuffing yourself with outerworld realities you are a fool. We are meant to create our own reality by onl5B4y thinking thoughts of what we want in our life and want it to become.. Yet most people consistently think and speak of what they do not want. Then they wonder why the got it. The negative mind is the great trickster. We are in constant battle between the negative forces and the positive forces and Thoughts Are Powerful Real Forces. We will call the negative mind the great trickster because it tricks you and lies to you all the time. Pushing your buttons and causing you to react to every little thing. The negative mind pulls you down emotionally, manipulates you, deceives you, steals your peace, tells you are going to fail and that you are useless. The trickster knows all your weaknesses. It knows which old thoughts to dig up and feed you to ruin your relationships, your goals and your dreams. It fills you up with destructive contaminating thoughts. The trickster has 365 reasons why you should not learn how to gain control of your personal power. WHY is this ? Because if you get control, it means you are in charge. It means that you will become positive , happy and successful. The trickster does not want that. This may be hard to believe, but your mind plays tricks on you all the time. It tells you that negative things are going to happen, that do not happen. It brings things up that you would rather forget. It causes you to worry and lose sleep. The negative mind creates, distorts, and magnifies problems that do not even exist. (exa5B4mple) A man goes into a hospital for a check up and they decide to keep him in overnight for some more tests. The trickster immediately feeds him thoughts of - Doubt -Fear -Worry -Anxiety - Thoughts like; "There must be something seriously wrong if they have to keep me in hospital. What is wrong ? If I have to be off work long I will lose my job. I won't be able to pay my mortgage and I'll lose my house and my car. I will never get another job because of my age." Worry sets in BUT IT DOES NOT HAPPEN. It's all lies. Your mind does this all the time ! Well, that is good to know. So don't you ever forget it.

The trickster lies to us all the time. The negative mind will keep your life in strife. Change and only accept positive thoughts into your mind and your life will flow with effortless effort.

Be aware of the trickster all the time. Learn to flick him off. Say to yourself. "Get lost I am not listening to you any more". Re-program your mind. Change every negative immediately into a positive. Do not accept negative thoughts any more. Take control. Learn not to react. Use your personal power . (Here is another example of the trickster at work.) A man's wife suddenly left him for another man without any warning. He was so devastated he decided to sell his business and move away. He had worked very hard for many years to build up his business and make it successful. This is an emotional spontaneous reaction. Wrong 5B4decision.

When we choose a partner we do not know what lies ahead; we do not know how if the person we marry will change but we have learn to ride the storms as they arrive.

Why would you give up or change your lifestyle because of someone else's choices.

Hold your head up high, don't get mad, let it go. Move forward and focus on your life. Become the best you can become. Focus on your success. Do not allow the trickster to fool you into reacting. Reacting only causes more strife in your life.

When a man is blind to the views of his soul he will be unable to live life to the full. The errors of a persons past can become the wise choices of his future.

Take back your power. Cut your losses don't add to them by giving up. Take care of yourself. Give yourself permission to be successful. Give yourself a D.I.N. degree and Do It Now. You are truly better off without someone who would betray your trust.

You may have lost a partner but you have your whole life ahead of you. Be powerful not pitiful. Learn to live the Impersonal Life. Don't take offense, don't judge them, don't criticize, don't try to analyze or justify another persons actions. Stay positive.

The actions of another person has got nothing to do with you!

You are only responsible for yourself. Stay in Love and Forgiveness.

Do it for you. And You will be blessed. Do not allow the trickster to steal your True Self.5B4 Do not compromise your character. Be firm and unwavering. Stay true to yourself.

Be aware that the great trickster works overtime when you are in pain. Turn your Scars into Stars. Say goodbye to the trickster. Keep flicking him off your shoulders. Stay positive. Stay in goodness. Decide to take control of your mind. Act upon this decision by doing exercises to control the mind. Be positive all the time. Be willing to do the WORK. The work is to have a good mind and a pure heart. Affirm this to yourself daily.

Be active every day in your choices of your thoughts, words, actions and intent. Weeding out the negatives and seeding the positives until it becomes a habit and the mind is fully re-trained. The mind must be cleaned out and reprogrammed the same as a computer. Become the master of your mind.

As a man thinks today so it will become for him in his future.

May I suggest that you purchase my book "Discover the Power of Thoughts"

It is full of great charts, tools and exercises to help you to become the master over your mind.

From my book " Discover the Power Of Thoughts." Published in 2001.

Shirley Carton published author of self help life skills books, C.D.'s and articles. Expert on the evolution of consciousness, personal growth, intuition and meditation. Visit Shirley 300 on

Mark Twain

Find the Absolute Secret to Your Success

Life can be a challenge under the best of circumstances. Juggling a job, a family, friends, and finding time alone can be quite a circus act for some people. Sometimes, just keeping a head above water seems like a modicum of success. But, with only one life to live, would you like to do better than just getting by? Would you like a fantastic life of wealth, love, and happiness? Then, you need to find the absolute secret to your success.

No gimmicks, no get-rich-quick schemes. No hypnosis or even hocus-pocus. The secret is simply finding the key to your ultimate success. Once you use the key to unlock the door of your potential future, boundless success is just around the corner. After you read about the secret and put it into practice, you life will start a positive change overnight.

How you approach life, how you envision yourself and the future will completely change, once you have read, and put into practice the six steps to success in all areas of your life. How do I know? For the answer to that question, you need to know a little bit of history.

Originally, 8 books were published in 1926. As the Little Red Book hit the shelves, many people started receiving the benefits of knowing the key found in knowing the secret to personal success. An abnormal high percentage of people soon became millionaires. However, supposedly in a bid for power, the all-powerful Church banded the sale of the book in 1933. As a result, the secret was lost for a time.

Until one day, a gentleman found books in his grandmas attic. Saddened at her passing, and curious as to why she kept these books hidden away, he sat down to read. As a result, he learned the key to success in every avenue of life, and he decided to share the answers he found within the pages.

Instead of printing and marketing 8 books, he chose to consolidate the valuable information contained within the pages into one single volume. He knew the books combined only contained the one key to his present success.

The young mans solution is not a bunch of fad answers to lifes problems, nor is it a feel good message to cover up the challenges either. The message deals with changing your view about life and how to approach challenges and triumphs, and practical advice on how to make the key turn your own personal lock of success and happiness. Once you have the key, you too can find the absolute secret to your success.

As the late great Albert Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results". Is it time for you to change what you are doing and achieve the results that you want? Or are you going to go through the rest of your life slowly going insane? Only you have the power to choose the next step and what direction you will take.

Paul Sutherland is an Accelerated Business Growth Coach. His company - Daniel Thomas International is also heavily involved in personal development and growth. For that reason a website was created. Here you will find some of the very best tried tested and proven methods for creating the life you really want to achieve.

Don't make the mistake of trying the same old things and expecting different results. Make a real difference in your life right now and find out what works in the real world.

Wayne Dyer Meditation

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Building Your Coaching Business - Freebies DO Work--IF Done Right

Freebie's DO Work...IF Done Right

I keep hearing coaches saying that giving your coaching away doesn't work, when in fact that is the ONE greatest thing you can do.

Why do coaches say it doesn't work?

Well, most have been doing it wrong, and to the wrong target market.

It's easy to get people coming by the hundreds to get free stuff. The problem is: are they the RIGHT market.

As a business coach, and coach who coaches coaches, I've found that when I'm targeting THE WORLD, most of the people who respond to my freebie are people who can't afford my services, or at least PERCEIVE they can't. Most are there to absorb what they can for free...and guess what?....that's OK by long as I've got my system set up so that it isn't wasting my time.

But that is why most coaches say it doesn't work. They are wasting time, LOTS of it, giving away their services for the wrong market. And, when done that doesn't work.

So, what does make it work?

Here's What Makes It Work

Let's back up a minute, and look at how people buy, develop a strategy that does work when you approach them THE WAY THEY BUY, and then narrow in on the RIGHT market...and you'll find that "giving away your services" the right way to the right people is THE KEY to successfully marketing your coaching.

I'm always astonished when people say it doesn't work, but it is THE THING that is working the best for me and for coaches I work with....when done right. All of those saying, "It doesn't work," just don't have a clue, or, at best, it was one of the things that just didn't work for them. Good luck to them. Hopefully they do have things that do work for them.

People Buy ONLY From People They Know, Like and Trust

People buy from people they know, like and trust. Therefore, the best way to get them to know you, to like you, and to eventually trust that what you say does work, is to give them a sample, give them a taste. Trying to go straight for the sale is a recipe for failure...until you've laid the groundwork.

Build a Marketing Funnel

Build yourself a marketing funnel. It looks like this. Imagine a funnel. At the top, where it opens up to the world is where you reach out into the world. It is the largest part of the funnel, and OPEN to the world. Your job is to reach out into your NICHE market, not into the whole world, and offer those that are passing by an opportunity to take a sample. If you are reaching out to them talking about their pain, in measurable ways, you will get their attention and they will want to take that sample. In fact, if you build a powerful, compelling, core marketing message they will be coming to you instead of you having to reach out to them.

In any case, as they take that sample, you have just stuffed them into the top of that marketing funnel. Those people are now qualified, interested prospects. (Warning, if you've reached out to the WRONG market, they may perceive they can't afford you, and may even be extremely hard to convince otherwise. Just think about that the next time you are face to face with someone who says he can't afford you. I know....I know...there are sales trainers out there that will tell you that you can overcome an objection....and, to a certain extent that is right. However, let's change your view a bit here. If you are reaching out to the RIGHT market, they are less likely to even have that objection, and then when you give them the RIGHT message they will move forward. By choosing the RIGHT market you will find that more and more will respond...and that is the key...keep measuring your response rates, and improving. By changing your marketing message, and aligning it with the RIGHT market you will see your response rate go through the roof.)

Back to our marketing funnel. I'd like for you to draw out a funnel on a piece of paper. Then draw horizontal lines, dividing the funnel into 3-4 separate areas, each further down the funnel.

What this represents is that at the top is your "first touch". Your job is to build interest, build rapport, get them to like you and trust you step by step. Each step down the funnel you will have fewer people as they fall out of the side of the funnel, but those that stay in the funnel, moving down to the next level are MORE interested, and like you and trust you even more than those further up the funnel. Get the idea.

This is all built around building on the getting to know you, like you, and trust that you have something that really works for them. Another thing I want you to pay attention to is "how many people actually move from layer to layer." In other words, if you lose everyone in one just did something wrong. You didn't build them further and you lost connection with them. That should tell you something...whatever it was you did there was WRONG.

Also, pay attention to what IS working. In other words, you are likely to see that some layers have a really good conversion, moving people on down, while others don't. You just learned what is on that.

Each layer should follow the marketing philosophy, AIDA,

  • Attention - Get their attention first, otherwise they won't even read the rest. Use your powerful CORE Marketing message to get their attention.
  • Interest-Build their interest in what you have to say. Keep building around your core marketing message.
  • Desire-Turn that interest into a desire, a real compelling, gut wrenching NEED to talk with you, or get more information from you. In this case, a real desire to at least take the next step down your funnel. Don't go too fast. Trying to sell too early will lose them. They will drop right out of the funnel.
  • Act - Call to action. If you don't ask them to do what you want them to do....they won't. So always ask them to do what you want, and, again, make it compelling. In this case, the only thing you are asking them to do is to take the next step in your funnel, not to BUY.

Marketing Funnel Structure

The marketing funnel is typically structured

  • Step 1-- Giveaways at the top - articles, maybe a speech to an organization. The goal is to build interest and desire to take step 2.
  • Step 2 down into funnel - typically requires more commitment. While in step one get them to sign up, give their contact information to get emails, a newsletter, or come to a free seminar or teleconference.
  • Step 3 - Even more commitment, usually it starts to cost a little. Examples could be a low cost e-book, or low cost teleseminar. At the end of it you will make a special offer only to this group, the next step into the funnel with a discount so that this group gets a break over those coming directly to that step. Price could range from $9.95 on up to $50 area.
  • Step 4 - More commitment in time and dollars. Could be a one-time seminar (Price around $50-$100), or a seminar over several weeks ($100 to $250). It could be an "Intro to coaching" where you have 10-100 people attending over 3-4 weeks ($100 to $250). It could also be a bigger e-book ($75 to $100), or written information captured from a live seminar.
  • Step 5 - Coaching (one on one), or whatever your end result is to be, at your final price.

These levels and prices aren't cast in stone. Your funnel is to lead people through the process of getting to know you without risk. Each step requires more commitment (more risk) in price and time. The key here is: IF you have provided value, LOTS of it, at that level, and IF you have encouraged them to want more, COMPEL them with your core marketing statement and VALUE statement to want more, then they will want more. And, yes, you will lose people in every step, or at least there will be some that don't take the step right then and there, but might be sticking around where you can get them back into the funnel for the next time.

Although you will lose people at each step, the percentage of those that go on to the next step will continue to be higher and higher at each step.

One version of this approach, when used for direct mail is actually achieving 20% to 70% appointment setting rates with large corporations.

But, as I said at the beginning, developing a POWERFUL core marketing message, reaching out to the RIGHT market, is the key. Another key point is: plan it, do it, measure it, then go back and improve that response by: changing your power core marketing message, and watch the improvement. Once fine tuned this is a KILLER business building approach...even though there are those that say it doesn't work.

Do you want to learn more about how to increase your coaching businesses? I have just completed my brand new guide to coaching marketing success. You'll also get a free invitation to join a mastermind group of other coaches as they build their business. Hear what works and doesn't work.

Get your "How to Build a Super Star Coaching Business" for free Alan Boyer coach's coaches, who want more business than they can handle, or at least more than they imagined...before this.....The reports have been "5-10 times more clients in just a few weeks, and still growing.

Mark Twain

The Parthenon Principle

Have you seen a picture of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece? I will never forget walking up to the massive granite ruins. The size and power still remaining in a building constructed 2500 years ago is overwhelming!

Although the roof lies on the ground, in pieces, most of the columns that supported it are in place. There are a lot of columns!

I think of the Parthenons roof often. If its roof had not been supported by all those columns it never would have lasted as long as it did. By any standards, it lasted a long time.

I have a roof, which shelters my family and I call it a financial or revenue roof. It provides for all our basic needs. Revenue or income also emotionally supports us, and provides the extras we enjoy in our lives.

I do not want my roof to fall in. My Parthenon Principle is to support this financial roof with as many columns as possible. If one column of income collapses (and they always do) there are others to take the weight so that the complete revenue structure will not crash on our heads.

Another way to look at this is - do you have all your eggs in one basket? Is your entire income dependant on one source? What would happen to you if that source disappeared?

Last month, I lost my largest corporate client. It happens. This client had grown over the last five years, slowly utilizing more of my services and representing over eighty percent of our revenue.

I had let it get disproportional large. Fortunately, we were prepared with backups, and other 'standby' pillars of revenue, ready to be rushed in, to support the revenue roof.

Think about your income and revenue, and prepare for worst case scenarios. Make the choice today to support your revenue roof, and your income streams by using the Parthenon Principle.

1. Build an emergency fund of at least three months of expenses. Not only will this fund provide emergency support if needed, you will have a sense of financial freedom just knowing it is there. Think of it as a spare column for your roof. You might not need it, but it feels good having it!

2. Consider additional sources of income. Can you create something to sell? Is there somewhere you can add on part time work, doing something you enjoy, which would provide you with added income? Even a small amount of money will build a financial reserve, and give you an income if your primary source fails.

3. Eliminate your debt as much as possible. You can manage without income far longer if there are no monthly payments to be mailed.

Think Parthenon Principle!

Your online friend and Coach,

Miami Phillips
Helping others find their path - and stay on it.

Quotation of the Week

"Failure to prepare is preparing to fail." Mike Murdock

About The Author

Miami Phillips is an ANSIR Certified Personal Coach and the founder of Creative MasterMinds who believes personal growth is an essential ingredient to being happy and contributing to this world. While his main focus is affordable personal and business coaching, he also offers motivational teleclasses, ebooks, reading recommendations and much more. To find out more visit his site at or send him an email at

Wayne Dyer Meditation

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Do You Over Commit Yourself?

Do you over commit yourself? Do you drive yourself for perfection? Do you demand more of yourself than anyone you know? These traits, while you might see them as virtues, can leave you feeling tired and over whelmed. While you might start your journey at the beginning in an optimistic frame of mind and an energetic mood, the stress and strain of your many commitments can begin to weigh heavily on you.

You can ward off imminent fatigue by simply making sure that you avoid moving from task to task without giving yourself some time to rest in between tasks. A short break can refresh you, ensuring that you are focused and enthusiastic throughout your day.

Creating balance between outwardly-directed drive and the inescapable need to regularly refresh yourself is the key to accomplishing goals without feeling tired and over whelmed. It is understandable that you can fall prey to pushing yourself even harder in the name of achievement because you are bombarded by messages telling your that effort is the main component of accomplishment. However, while perseverance and commitment are necessary elements of goal-realization, you cannot realize your dreams if you are constantly overwhelmed and tired.

When you integrate rest into your scheduleeven if you have no more than five minutes at a timeyou will emerge from each period renewed and ready to take on the challenges of the next task. These respites can in fact be a power nap or catnap. CatnappingA Healthy Lifestyle. : Snooze You Win

When you allow yourself time to relax and unwind between tasks you will seldom find yourself exhausted at the end of the day.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.

Buddhist Texts

How Daily Alpha Meditation Can Make You More Creative

In order to understand how alpha meditation can help improve your creativity, it is important to start by understanding what binaural beats and brainwave entrainment are.

Brainwave entrainment is the use of some external stimulus, usually a specific audio recording delivered to a person via stereo headphones, to induce a certain level of brain wave activity. When a person's brainwave activity is artificially altered by these means, it will subtly shift their awareness.

Using binaural beats is a common and effective method of brainwave entrainment. In order for the binaural beats to be effective, a person must be using stereo headphones so that they can hear a different sound in each ear.

Most of the time, the binaural beats will be embedded underneath the layers of tracks on a song, usually soothing ambient music or soundscapes, so that the person listening can focus on the music and not on the frequencies they are hearing.

The ideal brainwave frequency for alpha meditation is about 10hz, so if we wanted to create a set of binaural beats that could be used to artificially induce this specific frequency, we could play 110hz in the left ear and 120hz in the right ear.

To any person who is hearing these different frequencies in each ear, their brain will act like a tuning fork and it will lock on to the difference between the twi frequencies, which in this case would be 10hz.

'Alpha' is the name that we use for the range of brainwave frequencies from around 8hz-13hz. A person will naturally experience alpha waves during a 24-hour cycle, and it is usually when they are in a light sleep and are dreaming. However, this state can also be achieved by listening to soothing music, preferably music with alpha binaural beat already embedded in the layers, and simply lying down and resting. When a person reaches this alpha state while they are still conscious, their imagination will be active and they can see very vivid imagery.

After practicing this daily for a short while, even just a week or two, a person's creativity will naturally be higher and coming up with new ideas will seem easier.

If you are interested in pursuing alpha meditation, you can do a number of things. While it does not require music with alpha binaural beats, this is highly recommended because your brain will automatically lock on to the alpha frequency.

You can go to your local music store and look for CDs on 'alpha mediation' or 'alpha relaxation,' or you can also look online at places like iTunes. Or if you would like to have full control over your alpha meditation experience, you can embed any song of your choosing with binaural beats using a software called Subliminal Studio. You can also read more about this software at under the 'Audio' section.

With the ability to deliver messages directly to your subconscious mind, you can alter your belief system to become more confident and successful without doing any conscious work. Quite literally, this is the "Lazy Man's Road To Success." Learn more subliminal techniques for delivering messages directly to your subconscious mind at

Spiritual Library

Time Management -- Urgent vs. Important

Its just been one of those daysI cant seem to get anything done! Ive got way too many things on my To-Do List. Oh the list started out innocently enough as a single handwritten column on one sheet of lined paper; but now its grown to a three-column table in a spreadsheet software program! I get no satisfaction from checking off each item as I finish it. For each task I complete, at least two more are added. I began my work day at 6:30 AM with grandiose plans of completing a special project before Noon. Now its 16 hours later (10:30 PM) and I still have not finished the project. My anxiety and frustration are mounting. Tomorrows list has already been written and it does not include the things left undone from todays list! I dont know if Im going to make it through the week with all of the demands upon my time and energy. I need helpquickly!

A Juggling Act

I wrote the above entry in my journal several days ago. What a day that was! How about youbeen there lately?

Life can be such a juggling act. Like professional jugglers, we try to keep 5 or 6 balls moving through the air at the same time. But unlike professional jugglers, we rarely succeed.

Everyone is so busy these days. Work is performed at a frantic pace and people are in such a hurry. There is an air of impatience and intolerancea lot of frenetic darting to and fro that is almost out of control. Its very difficult to keep your priorities in line when life is so fast paced. But the negative consequences of so much activitystress, damaged or broken relationships, poor health---can wreak more havoc than what we think we will gain.

The Urgent

I tried for years to use a paper-based time management system with columns similar to this: Must DoNeed to Do...Like to Do. Im sure youve used something like this (maybe even now). The problem I encountered was that I never seemed to get around to doing much in the Like to Do column, which was very discouraging. The Must Do and Need to Do items consumed all of my time.

So I switched to a simpler paper-based system with the following columns, Urgent and Important. Now, I was sure to spend my time wisely. Unfortunately, I found out that the urgent things monopolized my time and pushed the important things to the back-burner.

Here are three examples of The Urgent:

  • Pressing or burning imperatives that must be completed immediately.
  • Critical or vital tasks that someone else insists be performed without delay.
  • Unrelenting and persistent routine demands on your time.

The Important

The Urgent often masquerades as The Important. However, not everything we do is important. To identify whats important to you requires that you answer three questions:

  1. Will the activity I am about to participate in make a significant and lasting positive impact on others?
  2. Is what I am about to do an unselfish act that will bring happiness or joy to others?
  3. Do my actions and activities promote balance in my life or are they all-consuming?

The Bottom Line

Identifying The Important requires focusa concentration of energy, effort, and thought. The Important is where you should spend most of your time. Now, before you send me screaming emails, I dont mean that you shouldnt address The Urgent. Instead, consider the following:

Focus on The Important!

Priority is the key to managing The Urgent and focusing on The Important. Before you leap to complete a task, take a few moments to think about its true priority. Does it need to be done right at this moment, or is there something else on your list that should come first?

While others may demand that everything on your To-Do List must be done immediately, you and only you can really determine what should be done first, second, third, etc. (Its not possible to do everything at once; priority must be given to each item).

Today, I've taken a dose of my own medicine and committed to focusing on The Important. So far, I've accomplished at least one thing that will have a significant and positive impact on othersfinishing this article.

Althea DeBrule, entrepreneur and seasoned human resources executive, has focused for more than 30 years on helping people achieve their career goals. Creator of The Extreme-Career-Makeover and a founding partner of RADSGroup Organizational Consultants, she is recognized for her bottom line and practical application of career development and management strategies in a way that penetrates hearts and compels action. She speaks and teaches with inspired talent, humor and contagious zeal at management conferences and leadership retreats nationwide, and has been featured in CFO Magazine, Strategy@Work, Human Resource Executive Magazine. Althea is the author of Bosses & Orchards, a compelling and candid book about how to make your work relationship with your boss succeed.

To discover how you can take your career to a new level, visit

Richard Dawkins

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The 8 Key Skills For Effective Coaching

The power of coaching has been recognised in many areas for many years. Astute managers and leaders are starting to see coaching skills as a vital addition to their personal effectiveness toolbox. So what are they key skills that managers need to develop?


When growing up we received formal education on reading and writing but not how to listen. Yet when it comes to business, listening is probably one of the most important skills to have.

If as a manager you take on the role of coach, you need to learn to listen with real focus, suspending all of your judgements and opinions. You also need to be listening not just to the words but also to the non verbal signals such as body language.


Most of us can ask questions. When coaching, you need to be using powerful questions. These are questions that:

Are short, typically 7 words or less

Are open rather than closed

Deepen the learning of the person being coached

Move the person forward towards a goal

Examples include:

What do you want?

Whats important?

Whats the first step?

3.Constructively Challenging

Challenging constructively is about not holding back but at the same time not destroying the relationship. Many people associate coaching with helping, which it clearly is. At the same time if the coaching never rocks the boat it just becomes another nice chat. Playing back contradictions is a great way of constructively challenging. For example:

I hear that you want to get your MBA but at the same time you seem to be resisting making the time for assignments

4.Holding To Account

Accountability is one of the most powerful aspects of coaching. It has been suggested that people have a 95% chance of achieving an objective when they have accountability in place. When someone gives a commitment to doing something and they know that they will be held to account, it drives then forward.

How effective are you at holding people to account as a manager?

5.Seeing different perspectives

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where it feels like you are pinned into a corner and there is no where to go? If so, chances are you were stuck in a perspective. When coaching, you need to be able to help your client to explore different perspectives, so that they can choose those that are most powerful.

6.Encouraging and supporting

Encouraging and supporting when coaching can be the difference between someone keeping going or giving up. Acknowledging another person is an incredibly powerful way of keeping them motivated.

7.Trusting and using intuition

We all have a hunch about something from time to time. Chances are that you have probably started to analyse it and make it logical or not. When coaching, your intuition is a powerful tool. Throw it out if it might be of benefit. The worst that can happen is that it is off the mark.

8.Keeping the focus on your client

When you are in the role of coach your focus needs to be 100% on your client and their agenda. What this means is putting all of the attention on the client and keeping your agenda out of the way.

These 8 key skills can not only help you when coaching but also make you an even better manager or leader. Take time to assess where you strengths lie and where you need to develop.

Duncan Brodie helps accountants and professionals to be great leaders.

Take the first step to being an even better leader by signing up for his free monthly newsletter at

Pablo Picasso

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Tie That Binds

"My true-love hath my heart, and I have his, by just exchange, one for the other given: I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss, there never was a better bargain driven." -- Sir Philip Sidney

You are about to learn the secret recipe for the tie that binds. The ingredients and how to lovingly combine them have been protected and tenderly passed down, hand-to-hand, through the generations.

Acceptance is the first ingredient. It lets your beloved know that you accept him (or her) as is, don't want to change him, don't want him to change. You then blend in affection, knowing that "too much" applies to many things but never to affection sincerely offered.

As you mix the ingredients with love and sincere good will, gentleness is the secret technique the masters have perfected and you refine in ways that convey the uniqueness of your loving touch. It's the perfect complement to being fully involved in the moment, without distraction, without reservation.

You have almost got it just right, are nearing perfection; but it still needs a dash of this and a pinch of that, the special spices that bring out the rich flavor of the tie that binds. They are spontaneity and playfulness. Your loving touch is always there, only awaiting a gesture, a feeling, the slightest of signs that it's wanted and valued. It sparkles with joy, enthusiasm, and that indescribable but familiar extra that is in a child's laughter, a lover's smile, in the connection when you share life with your beloved.

Once you have mastered the recipe, your strategy is simple. You need only say to your beloved, "Treat me like I treat you."

We both like it when things are fair so here's what you should do. Watch how I handle things, then treat me like I treat you.

I get into a bad mood once in a while and you get into bad moods too. Watch how I manage my bad moods, then treat me like I treat you.

I may have a lot of things to say or I may only have a few. Watch how I listen when you talk, then treat me like I treat you.

Sometimes you get mad at me and sometimes I get mad too. Watch how I handle the angry times, then treat me like I treat you.

There are things that are important to me and things I expect of you. Watch how I handle your counting on me, then treat me like I treat you.

There are places I expect you to be and there are times to be there too. Watch how I manage being places on time, then treat me like I treat you.

Honesty is something that matters a lot so be sure what you tell me is true. Watch how honest I try to be, then treat me like I treat you.

You make commitments so I'll know what to expect and there are things you promise to do. Watch how I handle commitments I make, then treat me like I treat you.

There are times when I am happy and there are times when I am blue. Watch how I handle your ups and downs, then treat me like I treat you.

There are things I want to experience and there are things I want to do. Watch how I support your hopes and dreams, then treat me like I treat you.

For more articles from Gary Crow, visit and

Inner Light

The Revolution Of Mind

The revolution is here.

It isn't out there in the world with violence and uprisings and upheaval.

It starts within your deepest inner most being.

The energy of the revolution is quiet.

It doesn't create drama or stories that perpetrate drama.

I am a one person revolution.

And so are you.

As we learn to apply all the Universal Laws to each circumstance of our lives: the Law of Attraction, the Law of Vibration,the Law of Karma, (cause and effect), the Law of Gratitude, the Law of Love, the Law of Allowance, we can draw upon the infinite field of all possibilities that these laws represent, and consciously create the world of our dearest dreams.

For many people, the field of unlimited possibilities was first glimpsed when The Secret DVD was released.

This movie changed the consciousness of many and continues to do so.

Of course, these ideas are not new. But as they are mainstreamed into the consciousness of ordinary people, and as more people open their minds to these concepts instead of resisting them, we will realize a much more interesting world to live, move and breathe in.

Old paradigms die hard.

Thoughts such as blame, guilt, shame, poverty consciousness, fear of old age and disease, fear of lost youth, pain and death have previously been the reality of most of the people on the planet.

Now, opportunities abound for releasing these negative beliefs, thus transforming our lives to the One Person Revolution.

Henk Schram and Nikolas Kidd have just launched their beautiful work entitled: "Revolutioniz: Harness The Hidden Laws of the Universe."

I read every word and loved the feeling of Peak Potentiality it released within my psyche!

I love the idea that I am a One Person Revolution, like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and like Ammon Hennacy, friend of Dorothy Day.

Ammon was a family friend in the 1950's and 1960's. He walked everywhere in the name of World Peace and love, like Peace Pilgrim. His headquarters was at the Catholic Worker in New York City where feeding the hungry and raising consciousness was a daily activity.

He refused to pay taxes and landed in jail more than I can count, because of these acts of protest.

He learned from his prison experiences that the prison is in the mind.

He learned that the sadistic warden was a projection of his own mind.

Sources of joy, love and happiness come from the mind, as well.

The Kingdom of God lies within us all, as well as the self-imposed prison of neglect and self-punishment.

Heaven or Hell--it's your choice.

Revolutioniz is a well researched book leading the reader to self-discovery. The ideas presented by the authors are not new, and can be traced to Indigenous Religions, the Tao, ancient China, Greece and Rome.

These ideas can also be traced to the teachings of Jesus Christ, Krishna and Mohammad.

Universal Truth is present in all of these.

Henk and Nikolas have provided a visualization tool software program with the Revolutioniz package.

I am REALLY having fun with this.

The idea is to frame a goal whether in the realm of family, business, relationships etc, in the present tense.

Visualize your goal with all 5 senses. This helps to make the visualization real and believable and helps you get very excited!

As you do the visualization, jump up and down in child-like ecstasy!!

Do this three times a day!! Then let go of outcome completely.

The software program leads you through the process. You then print out the statements and carry them around with you.

Another tool Henk and Nikolas recommend is to always carry around a notebook with you, and write down every idea that flows into your consciousness.

Writers are known to do this as a way of honoring the Muse.

But the Muse is present in all activities, because life itself is a creative process!!

So the notebook serves to record a thought that will be forgotten if this step is skipped.

Believe me, I've learned this the hard way!

The Laws of the Universe mentioned at the beginning of this article guide us in this revolution and are the road map, if you will.

The concept of Gratitude, for instance, is so greatly overused that people walk the talk instead of walking the walk on this one.

But I recently had the revelation that all things in my life serve to make me a better person, certainly a person with greater character, a stronger more resilient person.

The unseen world has far reaching influences. What I see is not the sum total of anything.

And the unseen world is nothing but Love.

How could anything be negative, evil or bad? Only my thinking makes it so.

I love the prison of my mind!!

I love the freedom of my mind!!

All of it is who I am.

The One Person Revolution is a shared journey.

By living it and passing it on, we make the world a better place.

But let it begin with me.

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator of the e-book called "Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover Your Calling and Destiny." Click here to find out how to order the e-book: Check Out Kate's Blog:

Howard Cutler

Monday, June 9, 2008

Big Goals - One Secret to Making Them Happen

"You will either step forward into Growth, or you will step back into Safety."

~ Abraham Maslow ~

As the year quickly moves forward, this could turn out to be just another day, week and month that passes by, or it could be the beginning of something new. Take a look at your life. Overall, how is it going? Would you describe your life as a joyous, passionate expression of self? Are you living your most abundant, peaceful, loving life? Everyone of us carries within an idea, a dream, or a desire. Taking action on these desires is how a relevant and personally meaningful life unfolds. Yet so often these dreams are dismissed or put on the cold back burner because they seem so large and unattainable. Will today be another day that passes by without taking action on your dream?

Question: "What could you do differently today that would effect your life?"

We generally have some sort of an idea of what we would wish to create within our life. Yet typically, that dream is also connected with the enormity of all that it would take to change the status quo. The task ahead seems huge and unmanageable. All the familiar feelings of procrastination, doubt, and overwhelm rise to the surface. It seems much easier to remain in the safety of what is familiar. How do any of us get past the plateau that we sit on?

One Necessary Step . . .

Take A Small Step Each and Every Day

Antoine De Saint-Exupery ( 1900-1944, French Aviator, Writer) wrote, "What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it." In other words, in the end, as adults, no one can save us but ourselves. We own, and are responsible, for our own lives and happiness.

Problems and challenges exert a force over you. You feel trapped underneath the weight of your issue, unable to move. To confront this force, you need to know what you want out of life. You need a destination in front of you, some positive goal to reach. These long-term goals focus your attention on your ideal future. They represent your final outcome.

It is important to have this big picture representation of your final outcome. It is also necessary to live in today and to choose today actions. Step back from the big picture and find what step you can do right now, today, to make your dream come true. What is one small, achievable step you can take today to move forward with your dream?

What is the definition of a small step? It is any action you can take that would breathe life into your goal, that would bring a sense of forward movement, or that would make you feel good about being involved in the ideas and desires that are most important to you. Today action steps are immediate tasks that move you closer to your long-term goal.

Small action steps are based on your long-term goal. They are important because they keep you focused in the here and now, motivating yourself with small doable decisions. Make your action steps reachable. With each action you law of successfully complete, you feel more energize and more optimistic about having your outcome. Here are several examples of small steps that provide a big impact:

  • Write down your goal on paper. Write it down every morning.
  • Create a simple picture board illustrating your desired outcome.
  • Take five minutes today to imagine yourself joyfully living your desire. Feel your body come alive with pleasure.
  • Create a priority list each morning and schedule your goal tasks with a specific time.
  • At the end of each day write down the action you completed and celebrate your efforts.

Will today be the day you gently put aside all of your excuses, and take tangible action on creating your most meaningful dreams?

Regardless of how overwhelming your goal seems, there is always a small step that would lead you toward overcoming your inertia. The size of your step can never be too small. Slowly, step by step, you will bring your dreams to life, feel more energized, and feel better about yourself!


Dr. Annette Colby, RD can help you take the pain out of life, turn difficult emotions into joy, release stress, end emotional eating, and move beyond depression into an extraordinary life! Annette is the author of Your Highest Potential and has the unique ability to show you how to spark an amazing relationship with your life! Visit to access hundreds of content filled articles and sign up for a Free subscription to Loving Miracles! newsletter.


Jesus Healing Sick Souls -I Thought I Heard You Singing

I cradled me and looked after my being
remembered Bible stories
Jesus healing sick souls
once mine.

I was so tempted
felt emotions that hummed.
I wanted to taste the moment
smell the scent
smother the lion in all who pursued me.

I touched the moon,
and then I slept there.
I thought I heard you singing.
It was way past midnight,
but I still decided to wait,
grant you entrance into my images of rain
and memories of storms.

I searched for a compass held inside my pocket,
that's where I keep my treasures.
I pulled out reams of paper first
poetry carefully written
and there
between the folds
tightly clad
my compass
my moral measuring tool.
I held it to the light
could not decipher the rainbows
nor the thunder.

Tiny angels sing
I heard them in the colors
I held one in my hand as she was weeping.

I am that golden child she breathed
I am the smoke beyond the river
I am the token of the dragon
the dew
and the lace
that lines the trees
I am the unspoken poem.

I hold its measures
set music to my dancing
I am the figure that makes a shadow
behind a blinded curtain.

Beyond this day
and far off into the distance
I think I see her treasure.
I released her
set her on her way to finding answers
and moons to sleep on.

I thought all
wrote about it
then picked up my pencils and left.

I cradled me and looked after my being
remembered Bible stories
Jesus healing sick souls
once mine.

ABOUT Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

I paint and sculpt female fantasy art and map faery tale adventures. I dream of beautiful women on canvas and art of exotic women.

I have illustrated for Hay House Inc.,"Women Who Do Too Much" CARDS taken from Anne Wilson Schaef's book. I also illustrated for Neil Davidson, who was considered for the Pulitzer Prize in feature writing, and several other publications. My paintings are collected worldwide.

Giclee canvas art work, greeting cards & posters are available for sale on my website:
Sign up for my mailing list FREE ART GIFTS: Drawings of whimsical angel pictures, legends of mermaids & fairies in art. Tiny angels & mermaids for shrink art, or coloring pages. Also a "Letter From the Tooth Fairy". Ya just never know when you might need one!

Check out my Squidoo about creativity: Unlock Creativity|Critical Thinking Creative Writing Active Reading=Great Art


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Anam Cara - The Blessing

In Corrogue it is frosty.

The ramp into our acre of diamonds is now firm underfoot where before it was a sea of mud. Murphy our dog runs excitedly by my side. We are on our way to release the chickens from the coop. They are to be fed porridge oats in milk.

Murphy has become an honorary chicken. He has been self-appointed. He now eats with the hens and cockerels as I give them their long awaited breakfast. They are now together, dog and birds, loving this life that is secure and satisfying for them.

I am becoming clearer. I am becoming more integrated and more know of the flow of this life. I am become a soul friend. I am becoming what is known in the Celtic tradition an Anam Cara. This translates as Anam meaning soul and Cara meaning friend.

Like our beautiful dog Murphy I am busy rounding up different aspects of my less integrated self. These are pieces that are like different chickens within a roost. I gently bring them together in love and acceptance. I imagine myself sitting atop a chicken coop with my chicken friends and we would debate various life questions.

We might ask What does it mean to be a seeker after soul. We would squawk about our inner life. We would peck at the question is the unexamined life worth living? We would joke about what happened when the chicken crossed the road. More seriously we would scratch in the earth to query that existential question, What came first - the chicken or the egg?

One of our favourite hens (and I have to acknowledge I do have favourites) is Boddica. She is fearless. She would be the hen to ask fierce questions. She is the hen equivalent of a soul friend. She probes your knowing and understanding of who you really are. She might ask, What does an Anam Cara do?

In answer to Bodica`s question I would humbly reply thus.

An Anam Cara loves your essence.

They see you beyond your mask. This is the mask of persona. This is what you call personality. They see beyond the fear. They see the absence of love. This is love you withdraw from others and yourself. This is the love that is your real power. This does not mean they have to like YOU. You are the one that gets in the way of soul. You soul is the light of love and it needs light. It needs the lightness of being. An Anam Cara will remind you simply to be.

An Anam Cara lives close to the land.

They might be found roosting with chickens. They love the elements of fire, water, earth and air. They are elemental beings although they are more down to earth than mental. Some might consider they exhibit opposite traits. They love sensuality and sexuality. They love the play of Eros. This takes them on the wing. An Anam Cara will remind you to come to your senses and be sensational.

An Anam Cara guides you to the presence you are.

They are people of the silence. They listen. They do not debate. They do not fill you up with knowledge. They transmit the knowing of love. They touch you with beauty. This is not their beauty but the beauty of the Beloved. They move in the world as nobodies of import. They do not puff up your ego. They may build your ego up. They do so in order that you can disappear. This is in order that you can fly the coop. This is so you can enter the joy of leaving the prison house of never being enough.

An Anam Cara reminds you of what is important.

They guide you to knowing who you are. They take you into what are called in Ireland thin places. They take you to the edge. They coax you to the edge. When you are trusting enough they push you. They know this is the only way for you to learn to fly. They know you are an eagle that was brought up in a society of chickens. The Anam Cara will take you soaring. The very air that will take you higher is learning trust and faith in your essential goodness.

An Anam Cara takes you to the source. You will be taken beyond time and space to the very souse of your being. This will be done using different techniques depending on which Anam Cara you talk with. There will be techniques to take you out of the constant chatter of the coop into the light heartedness of life beyond the chicken wire. These techniques take you into ease and allow you to give up dis-ease.

An Anam Cara will affirm YOU.

You will be told that YOU are forever enough. This is because the Anam Cara knows that you are forever enough. They have seen beyond the limitation of the ego. They know the prison house of the little self. They know you hold the key to liberation. Only they might tell you that the door is always open. It was and never will be shut to you. They have trust that all is well and all manner of things shall be well.

An Anam Cara does not really care.

They know you are always held in the hand of the Beloved. They are not here to do anything for or to you. They are only there to facilitate your discovery that you are always enough. They know that what you need is not more of anything but a great big helping of no thing. This gives your soul true rest. This is where you give up trying to live life and become life abundant. You become the flow of the essential. Nothing matters because it all matters. Ultimately they take you to love of soul.

So this is how I would answer my Anam Cara soul hen.

Would she be satisfied? I am not sure. I know she would think I have avoided the real question. What comes first? the chicken or the egg. I compensate by tenderly gathering her up in my arms. I stroke her beautiful chicken head. I tell her, I love you. I tell her, You are a forever enough hen. She goes off and lays another golden egg.

I leave the coop. I leave this Chicken Coop for the Soul and return up the ramp to our cottage. I am gathered in. I leave Murphy to debate the rudiments of flying. He is on the edge. He is excited. One day soon he too hopes to fly. The question is, Which soul hen will do the pushing.

Blessings upon you and those you love and do not love.

Tony Cuckson is an Anam Cara. This Celtic term means Soul Friend. He specializes in providing insight for the spiritual journey, Irish Blessings, words of wisdom and finding inner peace. Visitors to Irish Blessings Matter website and Tonys Blog get the opportunity to develop a purpose driven life through articles, newsletters and other programs. Get your free report called 7 ways to its a wonderful life at or visit Tonys Blog at for the best resources on spiritual growth, spiritual cinema, spiritual parenting, spiritual coaching and spirit in business.

Noble Eightfold Path