Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Law of Attraction - Is Your Past Preventing You From Getting Rich?

Can you create a challenge to make one million dollars by this time next year? I feel certain that you can, once you are armed with some of the greatest law of attraction teachings. Far too many people are caught up on their limited past experiences and allow those experiences to dictate what they will allow themselves to manifest in their lives.

The law of attraction is both the most punitive law and still the most forgiving law. What a paradox! You see whatever mistakes you have created in the past you can let them go. Whatever limitations you may perceive in your life you can move beyond those too and begin to attract new and greater circumstances starting now.

Absolutely none of your present beliefs about yourself will help you in attracting an abundant life

Your past can only be damaging to your present life if you continue to hold it and court it by dwelling on it. As you already may know, whatever you speak about, think about you will attract into your life. This is where the law of attract can be quite painful or rewar5A4ding.

On the more fun and liberating part of the law of attraction you can begin to change your feelings as well as your focus now and from that present place you can begin to attract those better conditions regardless of what you ever experienced in the past.

No matter how poor you may have been you can begin to turn that around and begin to start that challenge and attract that million dollars into your life if you will allow it. Of course there are steps to attracting large amounts of money and you can do so quite rapidly but the first step is to let go of the old and begin to stand in the present where can be ready to receive all the advance teachings on attracting greater wealth into your life.

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How to Achieve Freedom in the 21st Century

Are you trying to tell me I am not Free? Well, the citizens of the western world are Free, well to an extent, as long as you pay your Taxes and don't say anything ba5B4d about the 'embarrassment' that is your President or Prime Minister. What I am referring to is the Freedom of your Emotions, Finances and your ability to Love humanity and Gaia.

Lets look at how Freedom affects the following:

  1. Emotions
  2. Love of Humanity and Gaia
  3. Financial Freedom


We are so scared of being who we are, we are scared to cry in front of other people, men are scared to hug other men out of fear of being considered Gay (unless these men are on a Sports field!). Most men can demonstrate one emotion very very well. Anger, most men seem to have a huge problem with anger, and it's not always men, women are starting to get in on the act too.

I understand why most men are angry, they are taught from being children, their Uncles, Fathers and Grandfathers teach them anger as something Holy and Good. Son, you have to teach a woman her place, just give her a smack and she will soon learn her place!

I am not suggesting that anger is bad, what I am saying is that when anger is manifested in the 'outside' world it turns into pure violence and hatred, if you don't believe me just switch on CNN.

When was the last time you stopped and listened to what your emotions had to say to you?

Love of Humanity and Gaia.

As a British man I can speak from first hand experience of how cold humanity is capable of becoming, the7D4 average British person will only communicate with you if they can get something from you. On the outside people can give the illusion of being really nice, but what are their motives of being this 'nice' mask? Just don't disagree with people, when their nice mask falls off you may not like what you see.

We live in a world of Political Correctness gone totally nuts, since when was it bad to hold an opinion that was totally different from the rest of collective? What has happened to respecting other people's opinions, doesn't Freedom means Freedom to express what you believe, right or wrong.

The British person has next to zero respect for Gaia or anything else, this country is so dirty and dark. Britain is a major consumer based society, everything is 'what can I buy, how cheap can I get it!' People generally don't care if their Nike shoe's are made in a sweatshop in the far east, and the employees (slaves) are paid barely enough to live!

We have the power to change this path of destruction, but as much as I live in hope of wakening to a New World based on Love and Compassion, somehow I get the feeling this is futile when you are surrounded by people saying 'wow, I brought this sweater from GAP and I saved 5.00!'

Wake-up People!

Financial Freedom.

How can you be Free when you work at K-Mart for $5 an hour? The human race is financially controlled by 10% of the world, these people are known as the 'Global Elite'. These people are taking (taken?) all of our wealth and telling us that we are not worthy. This would not be possible of we were taking responsible for our own Financial Freedom! Instead we put are Resume/CV into K-Mart trying to justify that we are worth the minimum wage.

We have given away our Financial Freedom for too long now, that vast majority of the world is wrapped up in debt, and who are we paying this debt to? Yep, you guessed it, the Global Elite.

Money is a tool, a tool to be used to ex5A0perience life here on this beautiful planet. Instead we use what little money we have left after paying the mortgage that we can't afford, just to live!

Slavery still exists, the only difference is the shackles have been replaced with Car/house payments that you can't really afford to pay, but then again you can't afford not to.

You are not living, you are surviving!

Jay Pierce is an author new to the realms of Metaphysics, Health, Fitness and life in general. His writings can be found at http://www.natural-transformation.com

The author can be contacted at http://www.natural-transformation.com/contact.html

Wake Up and Start Living Your life Today
Creativity in business is the clear future

It's Time to Check Your Thank Tank

Ever feel like you are stuck going round and round on a race track being driven by obligations, responsibilities and promises to keep? And the Holidays seem to be looming ahead in a dreadful, foreboding way rather than the happy, joyous events that you wish they would be? If you feel like you're running on empty emotionally, maybe now would be a good time to break away from the pack, stop in your tracks and check your "Thank Tank," because gratitude is the fuelB5F that ignites your spirit and sparks your soul to create something different-to create your heart's desires.

All analogies and puns aside, it's in Present Moments that we think clearly, that we appreciate freely and that we really see, with an almost childlike perception, our surroundings, our circumstances, our life. The object here is to improve the way you feel, even if that improvement is ever so slight. For instance, if you are stuck in a traffic jam, notice those abbreviated vanity license plates around you and try to decipher what they mean. Make a game of it. When you've broken the code, appreciate how quickly you did it or how clever the author of the plate was. Or cast a glace around your vehicle and thank it for providing you with safe and comfortable transportation. If nothing else, you can always be grateful that you are out of the cold and will soon be on your way.

Changing your mood from frustration or irritation to appreciation and thankfulness feels better and increases your vibration-the way you communicate your desires to the Universe. Quoting Abraham (through the wonderful works of Esther and Jerry Hicks), the "Universal" Law of Attraction says that "like attracts like," so by changing your focus, and more important, the way you feel, you will literally be magnetizing better things into your life (like missing traffic jams!). Test this law for yourself. We've all had those days when you would swear that a little black cloud was hanging over your head and everything that could go wrong seemed to be going wrong. You can "right" yourself simply by taking your attention off of what is and filling a moment-a present moment-with gratitude and appreciation for what you have. Even if it's the smallest, most insignificant thing that you can come up with, focus on that and radiate love and appreciation for it. Then do it again for another moment, and another, and another, and soon your cloudy outlook will have a new, improved forecast.

But why not start or end every day with a full Thank Tank? Every morning when you wake up or every night before you fall asleep, acknowledge that for which you are grateful. As you put your attention on the people, circumstances or things that you appreciate, really feel how happy and blessed you are to have them in your life and open your heart to receiving more. Gratitude is the key that unlocks your ability to receive. The more grateful you feel for what you have, the sooner you will receive more of what your heart desires.

As we, as a nation, turn our attention to gratitude-with turkey and all the trimmings-at the end of the month, reaffirm to yourself your commitment to Giving Thanks each and every day of the year.

And since you're getting off that race track, maybe you should check your oil, too!

Mary Jo Shaffer is a freelance writer who lives and works in a small town in Ohio. She is also part owner of Heart Projects, LLC, a company that offers products that help people manifest the life of their dreams! Visit Heart Projects' website at http://www.manifesting.us

Helping Home Owners Building Their Dreams
Home Remodeling Ideas and Articles

Monday, April 28, 2008

Life or Stress

Any event, good or bad, causes a stress response if we are unprepared for the situation at hand. Our stress responses exist to ensure safety in our world, for our dependents and ourselves; its function is to respond to danger, not Life itself.

What is Life? Life, in a yogic context, is summed up as those things in day to day existence that bring us peace, joy, contentment and open, loving awareness. It is our basic nature to be peaceful, loving and open not mistrustful, closed and afraid.

What is Stress? Well, virtually everything else - mostly non-life threatening and largely self-inflicted by placing monumental importance on incidental things. Stress is summed up in the things that cause us to act against our basic human nature.

Lets take a moment and look at our range of day-to-day stress: we have job stress, family/relationship stress, health stress, money stressand an overpowering amount of media that encourages stress, keeping us on the lookout for the quick fix, hungry for possessions and terrified about the state of the world today. We drink stress like coffee, consuming several cups of the stuff per day. As such we are habituated to stress, so accustomed to being in a heightened state that our natural stress responses become dulled by overuse. Our natural state of calm awareness is affected too, dulled from lack of use.

The truth is that most of our stress comes from perceived threats to our ego and identity - not our lives. Unfortunately, there are places in the world where day-to-day living is synonymous with real stress, but for most of us, it is not.

How does this relate to yoga practice? Living in a heightened state of alert, we tend to create stress for ourselves, in order to maintain the status quo. We bring stress to our yoga practice in the form of perceived ego threats: performance anxiety, comparison to others and personal criticism. We all know what happens when we experience stress, breathing becomes shallow and ragged and the mind becomes confused. So the solution is simple - come home to the breath; regain focus on your practice, your life, or the situation at hand. This transaction applies universally, to any situation and is the most efficient, effective way to combat stress and anxiety simply breathe.

So now Ive identified a concern, is this something to stress about? No, but as part of being mindful and practicing Ahimsa (non-violence), it benefits us all, instructors and students alike, to be aware of how stress plays out in life, in the body and in our fundamental regulating mechanism, the breath. A dozen deep breaths will remind you that Everything is already Ok.

Having Faith in the Creative Process

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Home Insurance - To Keep Your Dream Home A Reality

A Home Insurance cover though cannot prevent disaster, but it can prepare a person for the damage and destruction caused in situations like floods, fire, cyclone, etc. These days, policies that cover damage to homes have diversified and even include clauses that cover things like robbery. This is because a home is not just limited to four walls and a roof. Its definition also includes all things that fill it up from inside. When a person builds a dream house, he not only invests in the physical frame of the home, but also puts in time, effort and money to decorate the interiors. Each item that decorates a house from inside gives it a distinct character and is equally dear to the owner.

One of the corners that you can readily access, while saving time as well is the Internet. Here you have websites of many insurers who having newly arrived into the market, but with sufficient expertise to back them up, can give you wAE3hat you want. Income protection is one among the essential insurance policies available with them.

Owning a home is every individual's dream and sometimes it takes a lifetime to realise it. Every individual basically works towards achieving three things in life: food, clothing and shelter. The first two necessities are relatively easy to acquire and they are required by humans on a daily basis. But a home is a one-time investment, and owning one is a life's dream for some. Hence, it is imperative to ensure that your dream house is protected against any disaster or calamity. Home insurance is the easiest and the most popular way to protect your most cherished asset, your home, from any untoward incident.

Nature is becoming unpredictable with each passing day, with natural calamities and disasters striking unexpectedly, anywhere. No country has been spared the fury of Mother Nature. In the wake of her destruction, she leaves behind a trail of loss. Loss of life unfortunately cannot be compensated, but people can mitigate loss of property and dwelling by resorting to measures like home insurance.

The exteriors and interiors together make a complete home. A home insurance policy, though it cannot protect it from damage, will provide the owner enough resources and financial support to rebuild what is destroyed and regain what is lost easily.

It is essential to protect your future, because the uncertainties of the future makes it risky and this risk can, in fact, turn out to be too big a threat to ignore in the present. No matter how old you are, you can think wisely and protect your future. Many people face incapacitation and have to be away from work, resulting in loss of income and herein lies the importance of income protection.

Get an insurance now with http://www.jbionline.com and http://www.worldflights.com


Dream Therapy - Your Path To Joy And Happiness

In this age of hundreds of different types of counseling, therapies, alternative methods, and medications to treat all manner of psychological ailments, it is very easy to overlook a very simple and sometimes vital aid, your dreams. Dreams have been used to gain a greater understanding of our emotions and thoughts for a very long time.

Dream therapy was popularized by Dr. Sigmund Freud, but the practice goes back much further than that. While dream therapy is by no means a way to diagnose or treat a mental illness, it can; however, help attune you to your mind and subconscious, assist in working out problems in your waking life, and discover the root of issues in your life.

Before we can truly discuss dream therapy we need to understand that this is a very personal endeavor and does not need to include having another person interpret your dreams for you. This is very simply a method for you to analyze your own dreams and discover the meaning therein that apply to your unique situation. In order to begin all you need is a free online dream dictionary and some free time.

While dream dictionaries offer a good resource of some common dream meanings, it is important to remember that dreams and their elements vary from person to person and something in your dream may mean something entirely different to another person. For this reason it is important that you take the time to reflect on the emotions and thoughts that you associate with the imagery from your dream, as well as the common meanings.

The first step to beginning Dream Therapy is being able to remember your dreams. This may sound like a daunting, or even impossible, task but I assure you it is not. One good trick is to tell yourself several times before you fall asleep "I will remember my dreams." Do this every night for a week or two and you will most likely find yourself recalling even the small details of your dreams.

Now that you can remember your dreams upon waking it is imperative that you somehow record your dreams for analyzing when you are more fully awake and have time to devote to it. You can choose to do this by using a dream journal or notebook, or even by a voice recording. For the most accurate dream journal this should be done immediately after your dream, even if it's 3am. Whatever method you choose, make sure that it's easily accessible.

The final step is to really look at your dreams and delve into them. Be sure that you look into the small strange details and not just the main theme of the dreams. Note if you see any recurring symbols, people, places, ideas, or feelings associated with your dreams. Open yourself up and really think about how these different things made you feel. For the most part you will probably be able to see where this fits in somehow with your life.

Once you get used to looking at your dreams and dissecting them to find the hidden messages contained in them, you can then start to train yourself to dream about the things or problems in your life that you are struggling with solving. A very quick example of this happened to me just this week. I was having trouble rearranging my office to flow well for me and meet the needs of my consumers. For 2 nights I went to bed and repeated to myself, "I want to dream of how to arrange my office in the best way." Sure enough I did and now my office is exactly how I needed it to be. This technique can work for things both small, like my office situation, and large, like deciding on a new direction in your life.

Dream Therapy can be a powerful tool and help you tap into a wealth of knowledge that you already own but may not be using efficiently. Remember that dreams are produced by you based on your experiences, feelings, ideas, fears, and wishes. Expand your mind with these techniques and put this very good resource to use in your life.

Author: William L.

Website: http://www.dream-psychic.com ~ Dream Meanings and More

William has been studying and teaching others about dream meanings for years. Please visit Dream Psychic and take advantage of one of the largest and most accurate dream meanings dictionaries online. By understanding the hidden messages in your dreams you can finally take control over your life and achieve the happiness and success you have been looking for.

New Year 2007 - Hopes, Dreams, Learning and Human Relations

Every Day is a New Day.

Every Experience is a New Experience.

Every Game is a New Game.

Friends, we are on the verge of saying "Good Bye" to the year 2006 and ready to embrace the New YearYear 2007.

I am sure that in the year passing byyou all have learned a lot and achieved a lot. There must be few celebrations; few rewards and awards too. We all know that not all days are same. You too might had a mix of feelings and emotions in your life, in the year 2006hurt, pain, celebrations, joy, feel of pride and achievements, many smiles and pampering too.

We all know that life is a best tutor, it teaches youlot16B5 many lessons and continue to teach you, till the time you become expert. Here, I like to share few incidents, thoughts and experiences; you can choose some of these as your resolution for the year 2007, if you wish to.

1) Continue to Learn: Are you expert? Do you know about everything in this world? Leave alone world do you know about everything in your country, in your profession, in your family?? I know that I am not an expert. There is so much to learn; so much to know; so much to gain; so much to experience. What I know is just negligible. The world is changing. Every day there is new technology. Every moment comes up with new and unexpected experience. Situations are changing. Culture is changing. Circumstances are changing. If I don't learn; If I don't adjust; If I fail to match with the pace of lifeI will be left behind and I will become like Dinosaurs (Existing Only in History). So Friends, Keep on Learning. No age, No Experience, No Designation or post is big enough for you to stop learning.

2) Are you God: Recently, we had some debate and argument and someone asked me, "Do you think, you are God?" Let's not venture into an unknown area. We all know that in present world Human Beings and not even Humane. Humanity exists only in books. We all make mistakes, in fact, at times I make blunders. So, accept it. Say, "Sorry". By saying, "Sorry", you will not become small; your status will not fall. But, what to do, we all are ruled by our ego and false pride. Let's change our approach, change our thinking and learn from our mistakes and the first step towards that is "Accepting our Fault and accepting our Mistakes".

3) Lets Appreciate: Its not that only I can do good things and it is not that only I can be successful in life. I have studied from Good School; Have great family Background; have graduated from best institute in the world; working in a great companywhat does it suggest? Does this suggest that whatever I will do, will be correct; whatever I will achieve will be a landmark, certainly not. Let's not get into that type of mindset. Let's not have that type of attitude. People from not so good families; those who have not studied from good institutes and are not working in good companies are also doing well in their life and career. At times, even subordinates can perform better than their bosses; youngsters can achieve what their elder never even though. Let's start appreciating all the good work, done by people, irrespective of our relation with them, their caste, gender and location. Let's not be bias; let's not practice hypocrisy and let's not have double standards.

4) Power of Dream Be positive in life and always hopeful. See dreams. See big dreams (But certainly within your reach).

Always remember that if you don't love yourself unconditionally...nobody will. If you have lost the hope in your life...you attend N number of motivation seminars...it just won't help. There is a great power in dreams. The world that we are seeing around ourselves has not been built in a day. In fact, at one point of time it was a dream. Some people worked on those dreams and gave this wonderful and amazing world to us.

Though, having a dream is a first stepbut just seeing a dream is not enough. We need to work hard to make that dream a reality. So, continue to work hard, harder, and hardest and never ever give-up hope. If you failits OK, continue and try again. Raat Kitni hi lambi kyon na hosubah jaroor hoti hai. (Just because you are in the middle of the tunnel, doesn't mean that there is all darkness. If you look properly, you will surely be able to seelight at the end of the tunnel).

So, friendshave dreams, be positive and more importantly, be hopeful.

5) Learning from Past: Life is a journey. You cannot continue to live in the glory of past. At the same time you cannot sit and continue to brood over your past failure. Can you change your past? I certainly, cannot. So, today you celebrate your success and move on; learn from your past and carry on. Work on your present and that will certainly lead to bright and successful future. Keep your happy memories for the old age. Let others remember youonce you bid adieu to this world.

6) How big are you? You are very elder in age; you have lots of experience; you are occupying a senior position in your organizationdoes that mean that you are always correct; does that mean that you cannot make mistakes?

How many times you have seen an elder person accepting his fault and mistake and saying sorry to the younger person?

When was the last that you heard "sorry" from your boss/reporting manager for a blunder he has made in a team assignment or when he messed-up the whole presentation in the department meeting?

Have you ever heard your parents saying "sorry" to you when they did silly mistakes while helping you in your homework?

In my 30 years of age and 7 years of work experience, I have never heard or seen any of the above mentioned things.

Usually, they feel that they are too big; too experienced; too senior to say sorry and accept their mistakes and failure. Probably, at that age and at that level they find it too difficult to admit that "No, I don't know". Probably, they too are ruled by their ego. No, don't get me wrong. I am not expecting my elders and seniors to say sorry but we can change this perception with our youngsters. Can we? Let's continue to learn from everybody and anybody, irrespective of age, position, relation etc.

7) Power of Human Relations : We are human beings and hence emotional.

We feel hurt, when we fail;

We feel the pain, when we get rejected;

We feel like celebrating, when we achieve something;


We feel like laughing, when we are happy;

These emotions are there irrespective of geographical boundaries, age and experience. We need comfort, when we are sad, rejected; when we are in pain and such comfort we can draw from our family and relations, our parents, siblings, spouse and friends. But irony is that in present environment we are moving away from these relations; we are just not able to spare time for those people who are very important to us. So, lets in this New Yearwe make an attempt in moving closer to those people who have loved usso much. Let's strengthen these basic relations.

Whatever I have mentioned above, is not theory. It is not a Philosophy. It is not something that we cannot practice, provided, if we want to learn and grow.

I hope that the coming year too will bring in its fold...lots of happiness, prosperity, success and love for you, your family, your friends and all those who are associated with you. Let there be:

Many Occasions to Celebrate

Many reasons to smile

Many moments of happiness

Many experiences of satisfaction, achievement and pride

Lots of loves from people around you, close to you and "special" to you.

Keep learning. Keep growing. Keep scaling new heights in your life and career.

Have a great day and take very good care of yourself.

Stay in touch.


Sanjeev Himachali
Blog: http://sanjeevhimachali.blogspot.com
E-mail: ss_himachali@yahoo.com; sanjeev.himachali@gmail.com

Magic Symbols - How to Create Your Own Powerful Magical Symbols

When practicing magic there are many different elements involved. A sacred space or hallowed place to perform the magic is sometimes important. The tools that are necessary such as wands, crystals, stones, or a mirror for scrying. Some magical workings require herbs or other plant materials such resins. There is usually an incantation of sorts depending on the particular magical working. All of these are important elements used in various magics but none are more ancient or powerful than the symbols that are used.

There are an infinite number of magical symbols that can be utilized for an infinite number of workings. You may be scratching your head and wondering how that is possible, but I am not just referring to the dusty old symbols that already exist and have been utilized for centuries. Some of the most powerful magical symbols are the ones that we create ourselves for our own personal magical use. True magic is a creative art form and should be practiced as such. When you create your own magical symbols and empower them with your will and spiritual energy, you are tapping the most powerful source of magic. It comes from within and flows from your Higher Self.

Your Higher Self is speaking to you all of the time. It not only speaks to you within your dreams but it can also guide you through your daily life. You must be willing to listen to its voice and hear the truth of its words. The Higher Self takes on many different forms and it is represented uniquely to everyone. We all have our own system of beliefs and it communicates to us through the patterns of these beliefs. Communication with the Higher Self can be achieved through mediation but it needn't take place within the mind alone. Sometimes your Higher Self can communicate through the synchronicity of events within our everyday life. It is through developing a healthy connection with your higher self that you can facilitate the creation of your own powerful magic symbols.

Sometimes these symbols of magical power may come to you while you are dreaming. This is another one of the many good reasons for keeping a detailed dream journal. If you keep an accurate journal of your dreams you can draw any of the symbols that you may see while dreaming within your journal along with a detailed description of the dream itself. Other elements of the dream may be used as a clue to the relevance of the symbol and the nature of the power it channels.

Another way of creating your own magical symbols is through automatic writing or in this case, automatic drawing. You will need a blank sheet of paper and a pen. I use a sketch pad. Sit comfortably 5A8in a dimly lit room with the pen in your hand and the paper beneath it. Clear your mind. It helps if you achieve a light trance by meditating a bit just before attempting this. Allow you hand to move across the paper involuntarily. At first you may get nothing but scribbles and random lines, but don't give up. You mustn't allow yourself to consciously think about what you are doing. With practice you will begin to draw symbols which at first will look primitive and crude but over time they will increase in quality and sophistication. Eventually, you begin to see the symbols in your mind's eye before you draw them. In the beginning you probably won't be able to make sense of the symbols but eventually, over time, the meaning of them will become clearer. It may take a very long time and several years of practice but eventually you may begin to utilize the symbols magically.

The easiest way to create personal magical symbols is by visualizing and drawing them in the same way that you would any other form of art. You can easily create and empower your own personal magical symbols. The power to create them lies within.

Miles Tyler has over 11 years of experience helping others to realize their psychic potential. Discover how you can awaken and begin 28Cdeveloping your psychic powers in as little as nine days even if you have no experience. You can also claim a free chakra report.

Eight Ways to Prevent Youth Violence

A single approach to preventing youth violence is not sufficient. A youth is affected many things in his/her environment and prevention must address those multiple factors.

Reducing Exposure to Violence. As a society, we are much better at protecting partners from a violent significant other today than 30 years ago.

We must now move ahead and protect children from the devastating effects of exposure to domestic violence (DV). DV traumatizes young people and sends them the wrong message about how to engage in interpersonal relationships. Every DV case that comes to the Courts should have a caseworker assigned to assess the well-being of the children in the family.

Excessive use of violent games and movies desensitizes our most vulnerable youth to the horror of violence, making it easier to commit violence. We should limit youth exposure to violent media just a surely as we limit their access to alcohol and tobacco. Community efforts to reduce neighborhood violence, such as neighborhood watch, can be very effective, as well.

School Success. We all need to experience success. A youth's main job is school and he needs to feel successful there. Programs such as Positive Behavioral Incentive System1C30 (PBIS), school based mental health, involvement in positive school activities, IEP's, and additional services for learning problems have proven that they can improve many children and teens feelings of accomplishment in school, thus reducing the likelihood that school frustration can contribute to future acts of violence by students.

Skill Building. Many "at risk" youth need help to build the coping skills they need to resist the "pull" of gangs and engage in healthy activities. (When is the last time you engaged in healthy exercise or eating without encouragement?) Youth need mentors that will help them with problem solving, anger management and dealing with the neighborhood bully. Many of us can take 5 or 6 hours out of our week to include a youth in our activities. Additionally, there are many skill building programs that can be used after and during school to teach skills and values and respect for others.

Trauma Therapy. Many youth who are at risk for violent behaviors have been traumatized at some time in their lives. They repeat the trauma they have experienced, sometimes violently, until they resolve it emotionally and cognitively. This can be done more effectively in therapy without the risk that a youth will act out his aggression on others.

Family Supports. Most parents want to be good parents. However, some lack skills and strengths they need to be effective parents. Some are willing to learn new skills, give up addictions, get treatment for a mental illness, get treatment for anger management or domestic violence, go to parenting classes, or enter family therapy for the sake of their children. When parents are willing to do these things, we must provide the supports necessary for them to be successful.

Reduce Bullying. Schools need to have a zero tolerance for bullying. They should to be teaching respect instead of accepting bullying as a normal thing kids do. There are anti-bullying programs that can be used school-wide. Programs like Olweus, "Character Counts," and "Don't Laugh at Me" have materials that can be used throughout a school to build an atmosphere of respect for others. Put Your Best Foot Forward. In order to be successful, youth need to feel competent and confident. They need to hear praise for what they do well every day. What you pay attention to, will increase. Catch them being good and praise them to the rooftops. Show the goal, the way to go, and praise every step in the right direction. Youth can change their behavior, but they need encouragement to do so.

These are just a few ideas. There are many more. Think about what made you feel good about yourself as a child. These are the experiences that all youth need, especially "at risk/promise" young people. Each of us can play a part. It takes a community to stop violence.

Dr. Kathryn Seifert is a psychotherapist with over 30 years experience in mental health, addictions, and criminal justice work. Dr. Seifert has authored the CARE 2 and "How Children Become Violent, Professional Version." The parent version of How Children Become Violent will be released this fall. She speaks nationally on mental health related topics and youth violence. She is an expert witness in the areas of youth and adult violence and sexual offending. http://www.drkathyseifert.com

Don't wait until you are 64 to Achieve your Dream!

Hes finally a doctor at 64."

The national daily (September 12, 2005) front page read, he finally achieved his long cherished wish when he graduated from the Medical College here. Reading the news should spark some motivation to many people. What is the motivation behind a sixty-four years grandfather with heart problem to pursue dream of becoming a medical doctor after retirement age of fifty-five?

Its reminded me of a story I heard; an old woman was enrolling for a degree program in the university with her younger son! The son was feeling a little embarrassed and was trying to talk his smother out of the idea. After sever fail attempts, he finally said the truth, Mother, you will be sixty years old when you graduated three years from now! The mother looked at the young man and calmly replied, my son, I will still be sixty years old three years from now with or without the degree!" So how old will you be with or without achieving your goal thr5B4ee or five years from now?

What are the excuses you were telling yourself and your family, the one you love or the one who loves you?

When are you taking the First Step into the unknown to reach for your DREAM?

Who do you listen to? The little Gizmo on you left say "you can't do it!" or the little angel on you right say "YES! YOU CAN! GO FOR IT!"

What action have you taken today to make your life a little better each and every day?

Some one once said, "Life is not made of big sacrifices, but of little deed that make every day a joyous and fruitful day!"

Put behind the excuse for a moment, slow down the pace of your daily rat race and find a quiet corner, or if you are the type of person who are more productive in noisy environment, find a caf with a judebox and blast it to the fullest. Start writing down your Dreams List and made Online Business one of your priority. It can be as noble as becoming the community leader of your area; as common as seeing your son or daughter going through colleges; or as simply as fixing the broken picket fence in your garden. Or even bring your children to watch their favorite movie that they had been pestering you for days or weeks.

Remember "Rome is not built in one Day" and "The journey of a thousand miles start with a single step!"

But for one thing, sit down and think seriously, how long are you still wanted to be in the rat race?

How nice5B4 if you can have more of your time to fix all your picket fence!

Becoming the community that you have long aiming for but "no time" to serve!

Bring you children to and back from school personally each and everyday!

Bring them for the movie that they has being pestering you!

Remember this Tip On No Time! The late Norman Vincent Pearle once said," The only people who have no time is laying six feet underground." If you are contended with working 80+ hours a week then nobody will blame you. But; just but, what if you use your spare hour to starting you online business and can lead you to Financial Freedom? And if you want something badly enough, you will ALWAYS find enough time to make it happen. Burn the midnight oil for a few months and see what happens.

ACT NOW! Don't wait until you are 64!

Many years later, you will cherish what you have done today as some one once said,

If you do not have dreams, how are you going to make you dreams come true!"

SK Wong is a Charter Marketer with a MBA in Finance providing Marketing and Risk Management training and services to his local business community. His online Business Resources Soho and aspiring netrepreneurs can be view at http://www.clickabiznes.com.
