Sunday, April 27, 2008

New Year 2007 - Hopes, Dreams, Learning and Human Relations

Every Day is a New Day.

Every Experience is a New Experience.

Every Game is a New Game.

Friends, we are on the verge of saying "Good Bye" to the year 2006 and ready to embrace the New YearYear 2007.

I am sure that in the year passing byyou all have learned a lot and achieved a lot. There must be few celebrations; few rewards and awards too. We all know that not all days are same. You too might had a mix of feelings and emotions in your life, in the year 2006hurt, pain, celebrations, joy, feel of pride and achievements, many smiles and pampering too.

We all know that life is a best tutor, it teaches youlot16B5 many lessons and continue to teach you, till the time you become expert. Here, I like to share few incidents, thoughts and experiences; you can choose some of these as your resolution for the year 2007, if you wish to.

1) Continue to Learn: Are you expert? Do you know about everything in this world? Leave alone world do you know about everything in your country, in your profession, in your family?? I know that I am not an expert. There is so much to learn; so much to know; so much to gain; so much to experience. What I know is just negligible. The world is changing. Every day there is new technology. Every moment comes up with new and unexpected experience. Situations are changing. Culture is changing. Circumstances are changing. If I don't learn; If I don't adjust; If I fail to match with the pace of lifeI will be left behind and I will become like Dinosaurs (Existing Only in History). So Friends, Keep on Learning. No age, No Experience, No Designation or post is big enough for you to stop learning.

2) Are you God: Recently, we had some debate and argument and someone asked me, "Do you think, you are God?" Let's not venture into an unknown area. We all know that in present world Human Beings and not even Humane. Humanity exists only in books. We all make mistakes, in fact, at times I make blunders. So, accept it. Say, "Sorry". By saying, "Sorry", you will not become small; your status will not fall. But, what to do, we all are ruled by our ego and false pride. Let's change our approach, change our thinking and learn from our mistakes and the first step towards that is "Accepting our Fault and accepting our Mistakes".

3) Lets Appreciate: Its not that only I can do good things and it is not that only I can be successful in life. I have studied from Good School; Have great family Background; have graduated from best institute in the world; working in a great companywhat does it suggest? Does this suggest that whatever I will do, will be correct; whatever I will achieve will be a landmark, certainly not. Let's not get into that type of mindset. Let's not have that type of attitude. People from not so good families; those who have not studied from good institutes and are not working in good companies are also doing well in their life and career. At times, even subordinates can perform better than their bosses; youngsters can achieve what their elder never even though. Let's start appreciating all the good work, done by people, irrespective of our relation with them, their caste, gender and location. Let's not be bias; let's not practice hypocrisy and let's not have double standards.

4) Power of Dream Be positive in life and always hopeful. See dreams. See big dreams (But certainly within your reach).

Always remember that if you don't love yourself unconditionally...nobody will. If you have lost the hope in your attend N number of motivation just won't help. There is a great power in dreams. The world that we are seeing around ourselves has not been built in a day. In fact, at one point of time it was a dream. Some people worked on those dreams and gave this wonderful and amazing world to us.

Though, having a dream is a first stepbut just seeing a dream is not enough. We need to work hard to make that dream a reality. So, continue to work hard, harder, and hardest and never ever give-up hope. If you failits OK, continue and try again. Raat Kitni hi lambi kyon na hosubah jaroor hoti hai. (Just because you are in the middle of the tunnel, doesn't mean that there is all darkness. If you look properly, you will surely be able to seelight at the end of the tunnel).

So, friendshave dreams, be positive and more importantly, be hopeful.

5) Learning from Past: Life is a journey. You cannot continue to live in the glory of past. At the same time you cannot sit and continue to brood over your past failure. Can you change your past? I certainly, cannot. So, today you celebrate your success and move on; learn from your past and carry on. Work on your present and that will certainly lead to bright and successful future. Keep your happy memories for the old age. Let others remember youonce you bid adieu to this world.

6) How big are you? You are very elder in age; you have lots of experience; you are occupying a senior position in your organizationdoes that mean that you are always correct; does that mean that you cannot make mistakes?

How many times you have seen an elder person accepting his fault and mistake and saying sorry to the younger person?

When was the last that you heard "sorry" from your boss/reporting manager for a blunder he has made in a team assignment or when he messed-up the whole presentation in the department meeting?

Have you ever heard your parents saying "sorry" to you when they did silly mistakes while helping you in your homework?

In my 30 years of age and 7 years of work experience, I have never heard or seen any of the above mentioned things.

Usually, they feel that they are too big; too experienced; too senior to say sorry and accept their mistakes and failure. Probably, at that age and at that level they find it too difficult to admit that "No, I don't know". Probably, they too are ruled by their ego. No, don't get me wrong. I am not expecting my elders and seniors to say sorry but we can change this perception with our youngsters. Can we? Let's continue to learn from everybody and anybody, irrespective of age, position, relation etc.

7) Power of Human Relations : We are human beings and hence emotional.

We feel hurt, when we fail;

We feel the pain, when we get rejected;

We feel like celebrating, when we achieve something;


We feel like laughing, when we are happy;

These emotions are there irrespective of geographical boundaries, age and experience. We need comfort, when we are sad, rejected; when we are in pain and such comfort we can draw from our family and relations, our parents, siblings, spouse and friends. But irony is that in present environment we are moving away from these relations; we are just not able to spare time for those people who are very important to us. So, lets in this New Yearwe make an attempt in moving closer to those people who have loved usso much. Let's strengthen these basic relations.

Whatever I have mentioned above, is not theory. It is not a Philosophy. It is not something that we cannot practice, provided, if we want to learn and grow.

I hope that the coming year too will bring in its fold...lots of happiness, prosperity, success and love for you, your family, your friends and all those who are associated with you. Let there be:

Many Occasions to Celebrate

Many reasons to smile

Many moments of happiness

Many experiences of satisfaction, achievement and pride

Lots of loves from people around you, close to you and "special" to you.

Keep learning. Keep growing. Keep scaling new heights in your life and career.

Have a great day and take very good care of yourself.

Stay in touch.


Sanjeev Himachali

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