Sunday, April 27, 2008

Magic Symbols - How to Create Your Own Powerful Magical Symbols

When practicing magic there are many different elements involved. A sacred space or hallowed place to perform the magic is sometimes important. The tools that are necessary such as wands, crystals, stones, or a mirror for scrying. Some magical workings require herbs or other plant materials such resins. There is usually an incantation of sorts depending on the particular magical working. All of these are important elements used in various magics but none are more ancient or powerful than the symbols that are used.

There are an infinite number of magical symbols that can be utilized for an infinite number of workings. You may be scratching your head and wondering how that is possible, but I am not just referring to the dusty old symbols that already exist and have been utilized for centuries. Some of the most powerful magical symbols are the ones that we create ourselves for our own personal magical use. True magic is a creative art form and should be practiced as such. When you create your own magical symbols and empower them with your will and spiritual energy, you are tapping the most powerful source of magic. It comes from within and flows from your Higher Self.

Your Higher Self is speaking to you all of the time. It not only speaks to you within your dreams but it can also guide you through your daily life. You must be willing to listen to its voice and hear the truth of its words. The Higher Self takes on many different forms and it is represented uniquely to everyone. We all have our own system of beliefs and it communicates to us through the patterns of these beliefs. Communication with the Higher Self can be achieved through mediation but it needn't take place within the mind alone. Sometimes your Higher Self can communicate through the synchronicity of events within our everyday life. It is through developing a healthy connection with your higher self that you can facilitate the creation of your own powerful magic symbols.

Sometimes these symbols of magical power may come to you while you are dreaming. This is another one of the many good reasons for keeping a detailed dream journal. If you keep an accurate journal of your dreams you can draw any of the symbols that you may see while dreaming within your journal along with a detailed description of the dream itself. Other elements of the dream may be used as a clue to the relevance of the symbol and the nature of the power it channels.

Another way of creating your own magical symbols is through automatic writing or in this case, automatic drawing. You will need a blank sheet of paper and a pen. I use a sketch pad. Sit comfortably 5A8in a dimly lit room with the pen in your hand and the paper beneath it. Clear your mind. It helps if you achieve a light trance by meditating a bit just before attempting this. Allow you hand to move across the paper involuntarily. At first you may get nothing but scribbles and random lines, but don't give up. You mustn't allow yourself to consciously think about what you are doing. With practice you will begin to draw symbols which at first will look primitive and crude but over time they will increase in quality and sophistication. Eventually, you begin to see the symbols in your mind's eye before you draw them. In the beginning you probably won't be able to make sense of the symbols but eventually, over time, the meaning of them will become clearer. It may take a very long time and several years of practice but eventually you may begin to utilize the symbols magically.

The easiest way to create personal magical symbols is by visualizing and drawing them in the same way that you would any other form of art. You can easily create and empower your own personal magical symbols. The power to create them lies within.

Miles Tyler has over 11 years of experience helping others to realize their psychic potential. Discover how you can awaken and begin 28Cdeveloping your psychic powers in as little as nine days even if you have no experience. You can also claim a free chakra report.

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